Mom was out on Monday putting up the outdoor lights. We were inside sunning ourselves watching out for her.

Well, she wanted to see how they looked all lit up,so she dug out the extention cord and connected it and plugged them in. I'm not sure why she waited until last night to go out and take pictures. It was a bit rainy ! I gave up trying to figure Mom out years ago :) (Heehee)
Daytime on Monday

Last night.
Glowing lights
Hemlock boughs
See the wet deck?
The only thing Mom does not like about these LED lights is that there are too many yellow and orange. She thinks they look more like fiesta lights than Christmas lights.
Picky,picky,picky Mom! But then, I'm a cat,what do I know ?
I think that is beautiful enough:)
if your mommy circleing the LED on the leaves, it will be very hard to take off after the holiday past. and also circling the LED will use more light~!
I think it's good enough to see~!!! And I like it~!
Oh, we think it looks really nice! Yoor mom did a furry good job and it's prolly cuz yoo were snoopervising.
Your lights look wonderful! Your mom did a great job, and you all did a wonderful job snoopervising. We sadly don't have any place to put any outside decorations at our place. Plus, my humans say it's too early for Christmas decorations, since Advent hasn't even started yet.
My dearest please know I am thinking about you and must go to bed now...I will dream of Saturday and hope you might escort me to Marilyn's Gotch day celebration? I have ordered a mew dress from Vera Wangcat...
Please let me know.
Oh and I think I can smell the hemlock branches...heavenly
love peach
You did a good job snoopervising, your deck looks great.
Christmas Fiesta!!
They look wonderful. You mommie really put a lot of work into this project!
You three... cute as usual
Your mom did a great job and you all did a great job of snoopervising! I think the lights look wonderful. My mom and dad are going to decorate this weekend. I should have some funny pictures. We can't keep Maggie out of the trees!! She's a nut.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Mine wants her tree done in orange and aqua and just have Miami Dolphins themed stuff on it, little football players and cheerleaders, but she is REALLY weird that way. Your lights look nice, rain and all.
That is very festive! I wish we were more festive but we have an old house without any outlets Out of Doors so its kind of hard. I guess the lazy beans could at least hang wreaths and garlands but no...did I mention they are lazy?
Those are really pretty lights. Your mom did an awesome job. And you guys did a great job snoopervising.
Very Beautiful :)
That looks lovely. I bet your Human did a lot of work for that.
Good job snoopervising, Mickey!
Alla Us
that is soooooo christmassy and cute - sio is it official? can i get meowmie to put her decorations up too? xxxx
Christmas IS a fiesta!
Your Mum did a wonderful job with the lights. My Mum hasn't even started decorating yet!
Your decks look great with the garlands! Momma always wanted real garlands and trees but she is very allergic to most evergreens. :(
Oooooh! Aaaaah! That looks pretty!
Oh, Mickey -- those lights are so beautiful! And it was so good of you and your sisters to snoopervise your Mom while she was putting them up. My Mom says she doesn't know how she ever made it before she had us Ballicai to snoopervise her!
I can't wait to see you and dear Miss Peachy at my Gotcha Day tomorrow! You two make such a purr-ecious couple *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Beautiful pictures of the three of you.
I like what your Mom did with the deck. It's looks very nice and Christmas-y :-)
I think your mommy did a very lovely job! Mommies never do anything that makes sense. Taking picutres in the rain? *sigh*
The three of you did a great job looking out for her.
Wowie, how purretty! Yur Momma did a superduper job, and those are such purreshus pickshures of you kitties snoopervising her!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh so pretty! Do they chase each other or flashes or blinks or just stay lites up? Any which ways theys are pretty!
Looks so nice, though I don't understand why moms or dads do these sorts of things, I guess soon they will be bringing a tree into the house, I sure bet the doggies like that idea, ha, ha.
Wow. That looks so pretty. My mom is kinda lazy since my dad is deployed until a few days before xmas. So we just have a small 1 foot tall fake tree for this year. But hopefully next year we can get a REAL tree!
Mew Mew
Oh... Cristhmas are in your house!
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