I’ve been tagged by Black Cat for a meme. Here are the rules:
* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog;
* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself;
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs;
* Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random and/or Weird Facts About Me!
* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog;
* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself;
* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs;
* Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
7 Random and/or Weird Facts About Me!
1. Like Monty Q, I got out one night. Mom did not know until the next day! She was frantic as we lived on a very busy street(4 lanes,major road). Fortunately, in the back of the building was a common area where backyards of other houses were. Some of the grass there was tall enough to hide in. After several hours ,I meowed and Mom heard me. I let her catch me and take me in doors. It was kinda scary at night out there.
2. I have a very annoying (according to Mom) cry when I want to do something and Mom does not. If I want a door opened and she says NO, I'll sit in front of it and whine forever. (She usually caves to shut me up . Heehee. )
3. When I was young and Mom would take a bath,I would sit on the edge of the tub and watch her. She thought it was cute. I thought she was nuts. I could not believe she sat in water on purpose!
4. I love to sleep in the cloths hamper. It has all the cool smells of all the things Mom was doing and the places she went.Mmmmm! I also like to sleep on any of her clothes she leaves out.

5. When Mom gets those big boxes of cat litter. I like to have the box to sleep in. They make it in my size. This box is NOT my size!

6. At Christmas when Mom would put a garland ,curved like an "S" on the long, low shelving unit, I would sleep in the curve of the garland. The lightes were warm. I also liked to chew on the (fake) garland . Heehee!
7. Sometimes when Mom is cleaning my litterbox, I have to go so badly I get in while she is pouring the litter in!
I know this Meme has gone around before,but there are some new kitties. Therefore I will tag some and anycat that wants to play. It's fun to know about each other! I tag:
One or all of these can play. Heck, anycat can play!!
Mickey, we enjoyed reading those 7 things about you! Sometimes we have to go to the potty so bad when Daddy is changing out the litter that he stops and waits for us. Actually, right after he finishes changing it is when we usually have to go the worst!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Thanks for letting us get to know you better, Mickey! We're kindred souls; I do many of the same things. Except with the bathtub thing, I like to have water poured on my head!
That was fascinating learning all about you!
Sabi sometimes sleeps in da clothes hamper!
I also like to sleep on my mom's clothes. When I was a kitten I would jump in the clothes hamper and sleep there. And after my dad cleans the litterbox, it's a race to see who can get in there the fastest. It's usually Maggie.
Thanks for sharing.(You can read my answers on yesterday's post.)
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
I agree! That box is way too small for you!
My dearest...there is no box that is too small for me. I have a video posted of me in a nice box today. Maybe you can bring your box and we can make a duplex? I have missed you and am sorry I have been so tired of late and not come for a visit. I always dream about you and how wonderful you are to me.
That is a fun meme and I learned more about you:) I haven't done that one yet.
Love your Sunshine:)
Oh Mickey, number 1 is very, very scairty! Thank goodness you were founded. Sometimes when my Mommie is changing the litter, I like to jump right in before she is even done, too.
I enjoyed learning more about you Mickey. It must have been scary when you got out. I'm glad you were quickly found! I get in the litterbox when my mom is pouring litter in sometimes too, or even when she's scooping!
Oh the joys of a new litter box!
There is nothing like being the first in the clean litter boks...
Good meme Mickey! We're going to visit your tags and see what they say.
You know, Shadows eats the papers on the crunchies bag before mommy beans pours it in plastic. So being the first isn'ts so bad when it comes to things Mickey.
Thanks for sharin' yur 7 thinks Mickey, and thanks for taggin us. Mombean says she'll help us write our post tomorrow.
Thanks for doing the meme Mickey dear. I loved reading your answers and Oliver used to do so many of the things you do (except #6 coz we didn't have room on our shelves for garlands, haha!. Ollie would sit on the side of the bath too and often he would walk round the back of the bath and sit on my shoulder or even on my chest if the water wasn't too high, lol! xxx
I always sit on the edge of that bath but I do it because Im waiting for the water to get drained so I can walk on the wet floor! It's funny how you rush to the litterbox, I'm sure your humans are amused. And a happy late Remembrance day, it was a big event in the national Capital again this year.
You are invited to come over for mine 14th purrthday party! Come have a wook at the invitation at mine bwoggy!
Dante loves the sit on the side of the tub while Mommy takes a bath. He thinks she nuts too - I mean water? Come on!
Thanks for tagging us for this meme. We put our 7 up right away!!
You couldn't squish your way into that box? I mean it does look really small but I've noticed they do sort of expand if you push at them.
Thanks for tagging me! Ivy is the escape artist in our house, although I've been known to dart out myself. Once. Then I was scolded. I haven't done it again.
That's all very interesting :-) Thanks for the tag, no guarantees I'll get it done, but I am working on it.
It was nice to learn more about you.
Sometimes I get in the litter box when Mum is pouring in new litter too, it drives her crazy he, he!
Those are very interesting habits, Mickey.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
hahaha I always climb in to the litter box while mommie is pouring.
I also like to be first in the clean box!
happy Day Mickey
If I'm desprit furr the litterbox, duzn't matter if mum is scooping or Eric is waiting, I jump right in and squat. No digging or scraping, no time furr that.I scrape it all out ofurr the floor after though.
Those are some very interesting facts!
I like to sleep in any sized box, but some really are too small for me,too. And once in a while I go into closet and sleep in the hamper. But I really love to sleep on mom beans, fresh from the dryer, clothes.
You had snow! Burrr....
I'm sure Earl the Squirrel was anxious for it to melt.
Aw, that sucks when a box is not your size! Go sleep in some laundry instead!
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