It's Friday. Nothing spectacular is happening. That's a good thing for cats. It means we can sit back and laze around. I can sit on the old porch
(and watch the paint peel,heehee) and watch the birds and squirrels.

Ah, Mom? The container bext to me is empty. There is no seed in it. How are you going to feed the birds and the squirrels? That's my entertainment you know!

What do you think Georgia?
Well,I don't know. Should I stay on the porch or go in the house? Snooze inside or here?

Well, maybe out here.I can watch the wildlife scream at Mom for food. Yeah, that's it!!

Well, if Mickey and Georgia are snoozing on the porch, I'll stay in here. I can have a nice nap if only Mom would go away and take that flashy box with her!

Are you gone yet Mom?!!
Yes Tillie, I'm going. Have a nice nap.

Shhhhhhhhhhh! cats sleeping ;)
What a cutie pie?
How old was it?
Quite sense of humors and sweet talks......
I am so glad everything is good there. that is the most happinest thing in the world~!
Relax day is the happinest day~!!!!!
Have a great weekend Mickey and Georgia~!
Such decisions you all must make!
We're a buncha sleepy kitties, too -- me and Brainball's been takin lots of snuggly naps togethur!
Those are great pickshrues of you all!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Sleep away all of you...we won't say a word...
My dearest Moonshine....grab your sister and come over and spend Friday with me and we will CATNAP the day away...I did it all day yesterday and can use another dayof it. Mommy will bring us catmint tea and salmon cupcakes when we wake:)
Always dreaming about you....Peachy Sunshine
Enjoy watching the wildlife. :) My mom needs to refill the bird feeder, but it's been raining all yesterday and today, so she hasn't wanted to go out!
I hope you got some peace and guiet for your naps. I love watching birdies, too! Oh, and you did a great job dressing up your momma--it made me laff and laff!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Tillie, I'm glad you finally got the message across to your human that you wanted to nap. Can't blame her for taking those pictures, though, because you look awfully cute and that bed looks warm and comfortable.
Relaxing and napping is the best! Way to go, kitties!
Nothing too thrilling in our world either. Naps are about the most important things we have going for us.
It's grate when der is no acitements...'cept mom's and da flashy boks...
We love sleepy Fridays! They are only surpassed by sleppy Saturdays and Sundays cause that is when the humans are home to nap on!
*whispering* hi guys. you look very comfy. i hope your mommy fed the birdies so you have your reality tv on soon.
guess what. my VET appnt got cancelled today so i get to relax too.
Well, if there is nothing exciting happening, napping is the next best thing! Because you can dream of doing exciting things.
We needs to get more bird seed too. We loves to watch da birds until the greedy squirrels come along....then it's fun to watch them fight over da seed after chasing the birds away. We have comfortable spots to watch from too.
Moe & Mindy
wait, you FEED the birds bird seed? I thought that when you put bird seed out birdies grew from it! wow.
Shhhh. Weze bein furry quiet. Watch the paint peel! Datz as funny as watching paint dry!
Luf, Us
We're having a sleepy day here, too.
We were having a sleepy day here, too, until our human artist snuck up on us and put that nasty BAdvantage toxic chemical on our necks!
What great lazy day pictures! You guys look like you had a good day.
Happy Ho Hum Friday! Those are the BEST kind of days. Thanks for your support about the blurpy thing. We are slowly but surely coming around to the idea with all the good wishes from our friends in the Cat Blogosphere - so, thanks!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
It's Saturday now. I sure hope your Mom filled the bird feeder so you had some entertainment yesterday!
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