As a Mancat, I like to keep in shape and stay sharp by playing with Mom and the strap from the flashy box.
Contemplation as you never know what the strap will do.

(Pretend it is the enemy)
Do not be afraid to look the enemy in the eye.
(pretend it's not a flashy box)

( It's OK to close your eyes)

Mickey, dude, what do you me "pretend" it's the enemy. It IS! Flashyboxes. Ugh.
your bud Pepi
The flashy box strap is one of the greatest inventions in the world.
I think that Pepi is right Mickey. The flashy box is the enemy!
Well...... you ARE right.The flashy box is the enemy. No need to pretend! heehee
Mickey, send me an email at darlingmillie AT gmail DOT com and I will make sure Mom sends you the cranberry recipe she uses. OK?
Very good form, Mickey - and good advice!
What a great mancat you are! I can tell you're firmly in control of the situation, the strappy, the flashy box and Mom!
Great job attacking the camera strap, Mickey! Super action shots. My humans don't like it when I attack the camera strap, for some reason.
Well, after all dat akshun we think closing yoor eyes is best.
You don't have to pretend the string is the enemy, it IS the enemy. Great job with your hunting skills.
Opus and Roscoe
We LOVE your life box!
I have to agree that the strap is good to play with. I did that this morning when I got the flash box waved in front of me, while I was asleep. Sheesh no privacy!
~ Shadow ~
I do not like looking at the box when it flashes. It makes my eyes hurt.
What a wonderful exercise, we have to try that too! And your resting pose is very manly!
Mickey, your eyes look very luminous in that first photo!
Ooo Mickey we love playing with the flashy box strap.
IT'S great when you capture it.
Yes indeed! A Mancat must remain sharp & in top form. You never know when you'll be called upon to protect your family!
You are very brave taking on the flashy box like that. We admire your courage!
hey mickey! you need to learn how to pull it from her hands now! you furs look so lovely and shiney
The flashy box strap really is one of the world's greatest toys!
Mickey, thank yoo for all yer purrs!!! Yer the best!
I chew on the strap at every opportunity. You do have very nice eyes though. No, no, I am NOT flirting, just stating a fact.
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are quite a handsome mancat!
Mickey, Amber and Indigo think you are a very manly cat!
We love the flashy stap! So does Ma it is the only way she gets us to look at that darn thing!
Darling Moonshine!
Your blackness bewitches my senses.
I am dizzy with delight!
You dazzle me with your maness.
You make my heart take flight!
Your devoyes Sunshine
Wow. Lookit dose beautiful amber colored eyes yoo has. Dat's an amazin' mancat color.
Wonderful lession Mickey~!!!
You certainly a mancat of today!!!!
No wonderful you always so brave, because you are not afraid of flash box at all~!
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