From Miss Peach's Blog :
A SIMPLE BUT VERY IMPORTANT MEME: List your treasures and tag other kitties and their humans also, as many as you like. Let this reflection spread through out the world. We need to count our contentments as Blessings!
~~~What do you look back over and treasure enough to place inside your BOX OF LIFE?~~~
Here are some things I treasure enough to place in my Box of Life

1. Compassion for all homeless animals that have been abandoned or abused.

2. Gratitude for the people that rescue,adopt and care for these animals.
3. Grass that I can't seem to get enough of,and love to eat. (Heehee)

4. The warm, soft places Mom gives me to sleep.

5. The brushes Mom uses to keep my fur soft and shiney.

6. The love for my sisfurs.I may not play with them,but I do love them.

7. The love for my Mom.We have been together over 14 years and gone through a lot.
My world is not the same when she is not here.
8. The 4 Seasons that bring such different smells and exciting sounds.

9. The happy feeling I have when Mom pats me and gives me scritches and hugs.
10. The happy feelings I have for all the wonderful friends I have made in the Cat Blogosphere.
They really are a great bunch of kitties and I love them all!!
11. Mom likes the still Winter night when the big snowflakes gently fall to earth.

12. The love I have for a special ladycat. She 's got style,she's got grace,she's a Lady!!
(Thank you Tom Jones)
Thank you for a great Meme Sunshine. Your Moonshine
I tag: Zippy,Sadie & Speedy; Storm; Henry; TT Girl; Pyewacket; Jimmy Joe ; The Meezers ;Daisy
Oh, wow, thank you so much Mickey. We'll have to think about this one. We loved those things you put in yoor Box of Life.
Beautiful post, Mickey. :) You have wonderful things in your Box of Life. :)
Oah Mickey,
this is very very beautiful post~!
No wonder you feel so happy, because it's fall of joy and treature in your box:)
Mickey, you have some very beautiful and wonderful things in your Box of Life! Thanks for tagging me. I am going to do mine on Thursday, since it seems perfect for Thanksgiving.
This is a lovely thoughtful posting... your Box of Life is full of good things and many blessings. Happy Turkey Day to you and yours.
What a beautiful and thoughtful Meme. You are a very smart kitty!
I love your list, I will works on mines later. Mommy beans been busy so I hads to wait to use the computer sometimes (the other beans here don'ts share well with me)
That's a wonderful list!
What a wonderful list that you made here and the pictures are so nice to look at too!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
That is wonderful, MIckey. We will have to do that.
Yoo haf lots of wunnerful fings to treshur in yer box of life.
What a wonderfully full box you will have!
Very sweet post and wonderful box of treasures.
This a very, very nice meme. I will do mine tomorrow.
aw thanks for tagging me for this Mickey! ise love your answers and have now done mine, i hope you like them too xxx
aw thanks for tagging me for this Mickey! ise love your answers and have now done mine, i hope you like them too xxx
Oh, that's a wonderful Box of Life! Very impressive.
Luf, Us
Those sure are some wonderful treasures you have in your box of life, Mickey!! You are truly blessed!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
All great things for your box :-)
Oh my beloved wonderful your box of life is! Filled with the treasures in your heart. I am proud to be one of them. I like the photo of the 4 seasons....mommy has a thing for the seasons and the months of the year. The moon and stars are also dear to her heart. We just love our earth and sky!
Your adoring sunshine Peach
You filled your box with wonderful things, Mickey.
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