Our Dearest Moxie will be there to greet you Storm.
He was a wonderful cat too :)

Until we meet again, beautiful Storm...................................
I'll be seeing you
In all the old familiar places
That this heart of mine embraces
All day through.
In that small cafe;
The park across the way;
The children's carousel;
The chestnut trees;
The wishin' well.
I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day;
In every thing that's light and gay.
I'll always think of you that way.
I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new.
I'll be looking at the moon,
But I'll be seeing you.
I'll be seeing you
In every lovely summer's day;
In every thing that's light and gay.
I'll always think of you that way.
I'll find you
In the morning sun
And when the night is new.
I'll be looking at the moon,
But I'll be seeing you.
Michael Buble
Love the video you chose, 'cept it made Mom cry. Farewell, Sweet Stormie.
That is one of my Mom's favorite songs..what a lovely tribute..
Purrin for Stormie
and Mom Debra
The song made mom cry. Lovely tribute.
We miss you, sweet Stormie.
Goodbye, sweet Stormie. I will miss you so.
Mr. Buble did a fine job with that old favorite. Great tribute to Stormie.
Mindy & Moe
What a lovely tribute you made for Stormie. Willow and I are so sad that Storm had to go to the Bridge but we are glad she isn't in any pain anymore.
That was a beautiful tribute Mickey. Our hearts are aching, and we will miss our friend. But we are comforted knowing that she is no longer suffering.
Purrs and {{{Hugs}}}
Pearl, Bert and Jake
That's a beautiful song to go with your tribute to Storm, just lovely.
What a lovely tribute and the song fits so well! Purrs and Hugs for all of you!
This is truly a wonderful tribute.
Stormie will be forever loved, forever missed by so many.
~~ The Bunch
Whut a luvly tribyoot Mickey. Vary, vary nice.
Awww Moxie was a doll!
Stormie was a wonderful and lovely girl
I feel very privileged to have had her as a friend
I am really going to miss her.
This was a lovely tribute Mickey!
Dennis will see Stormie and Moxie some day.
Mickey is very wise
Georgia is so nice.
So sorry to hear about Storm. What a lovely song, its made Mummy all teary eyed.
Simba x
I love that song. It is very fitting to remember Storm by it. Moxie was a cutie. {{{hugs}}}
Very touching tribute, Mickey. A sad day but we take comfort in that she is at peace.
Goldie and Shade
Oh my Moonshine! What a wonderful tribute to our dear little Storm girl. Such a very touching song you selected for her. Mommy loves it so much and often sings it.
This was such a sad loss and the kitties near and far are affected by it. We are all better kitties for having known Stormie and her brave fight to over come.
I will dream gently about all of our many blessings today....you are such a great part of my heart.
Your Sunshine
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