1. Laff Generator: Mom laffs because I reow instead of meow
2. Whapper: I whap Tillie to keep her in line,heehee
3. Floor Cleaner: I check the floors for any goodiesthat may have fallen there .
4. Private Eye: I sit in my box with the holes and watch what's going on.
5. Under Cover: I love to snooze under the cat mats.
6. Squirrel Watcher: I sit on the porch and keep an eye on Earl the Squirrel.
7. Purr Machine: I purr when I get Mom to give me scritches or brushes.
1. Pat Cat: My furs are sio silky,Mom loves to pat them.
2.Kitchen Helper : I love to help Mom in the kitchen
3.Little Tease: I like to tease Mickey and chase him.
4. Hand Warmer: I lay in the sun and my furs get very hot.Mom likes that.
5. Toy Cat: I play with toys the most. They are really fun.
6. Paper Shredder: I like paper towels. Mom does not like that. Heehee
7. Diva Cat: I work very hard to be a spoiled kitty. I think it's working.

hello my moonshine! I just wanted to come and give you a {{{HUG}}} before I go to bed finally. It has been a long day around here.
conCATulations on your beautiful award that you so richly deserve. You passed it on to wonderful kitties too.
I love the graphic Diamond made for you.
Thinking of you always...your sunshine
Those are all lovely graphics! Congratulations on your award as well!
The floor cleaner sounds very useful indeed! It's so important to help the humans to clean the house!
Have a great Sunday!
Sweet graphics of you all! Congrats on all your awards!!
Loved reading more about those girls too!
Purrs Shade and Goldie
Very interesting-how do you ;riow'? :)
I liked the Memes very much. And your photos are very, very nice!
The photos and mems are wonderful! Congratulations on your awards!
Your are passing an award to us? We are so deeply honored!
Cool memes and congrats on the lovely award you got!
Reow to you, too Georgia!! That was lots of fun, Mickey. The graphics are very beautiful!! Congratulations for all your awards!
Congratulations on these two awardies. You deserve them!!!
I also enjoyed meme's the three of you did, I think I have a lot in common with all of you!
I love these scrapbook pages of you three, very pretty!
I hope you have a delightful Sunday!
Purrrs and love, Prin
The photos are beautiful and congratulations on your awards :)
Congratulations on your awards and what a lovely picture you got!
Congratulations for getting some lovely awards, and the nice graphic too.
Mindy & Moe
Hey Mickey You're so Fine!
I'm going to rush over to my blog and start working on my post! Thanx! xxx
Those are lovely graphics. Congratulations on your awards.
Congrats on the awards. They are great. Those are great answers to the meme. Very good. Those are wonderful pictures by Diamond Eyes. They are truly beautiful.
The graphics are just gorgeous. You have a very nice-looking family.
And the memes were interesting, too. Enjoyed learning more about you all.
Missy Blue Eyes
Wowww this is so so so beautiful~!!!!!
I am holding my breath to look all of these wonderful graphic!
Those are some beautiful pictures!!!
Those are gorgeous scrapbook pages Diamond's bean made you :-)
Georgia, I think being a purr machine is one of the most helpful things a cat can do. Everyone loves and needs a purr machine :-)
Tillie, when Rascal was a kitten one of her favorite things was to shred rolls of toilet paper. I did not like that and fortunately she grew out of it. But I do not think it's necessary to you to grow out of your love for shredding paper towels. Your Mom can always put them up where you can't get them, and if you can get them, well it's fair game then LOL
Congratulations on your awards :-D
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