I got the results of my liver tests.
The Vet took some cells from nodules inside my liver.
The tests were inconclusive,but there are changes in the cells.
The only way to be sure is a surgical biopsy.
If the biopsy shows that it is cancer,
there is nothing the Vet can do.
For that reason, I am not having that biopsy done.
Instead,I will have my teeth done.
Whatever happens in the future well,Que Sera, Sera .
Right now,I just want these Vet visits to stop so I can think
about my wedding to Miss Peach.
That is a much happier and fun occasion!!!!

Oh no!!! We all hope it's not the dreaded C word! Mommy had a kitty that had cancer!
We'll keep our paws crossed for you! We think you just need to have a wonderful time now! And get yummy treats!!!
purrs and headbutts!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom
Dear Mickey, I would make that same decision too. It's all about the quality buddie. I thinks we never know what is around the corner and therefore should just live each day and be happy with things as they are and not worry about what "might" be , a cause it also might NOT.
We has been a wondering heaps how your tests went but didn't want to ask, we knew you would tell us when ready.
You are a big handsome strong man cat, who is loved lots and has a wonderful family... in our books that is a perfect combination :))
many purrs to your momma and for you my friend :)
We hope you have nothing serious.
Jas & Gi
My dear brother, let's do a great big wedding for you and my darling Miss Peach sister!
You are the most important big brother of ours~! Let's do the important things that we have to do!
Always big big hugs to you!
Mickey we are sorry to hear about the test. We hate that big C word too. You are a strong kitty and will be a handsome husband for your Miss Peach.
I think your mum is doing the right thing, not finding out. You should enjoy whatever time you have left, if it's six months or six years!
Huffle Mawson
O NO Mickey,
Its not nice to hear that,
it makes our day not good :(
We sending your
many purrs and hugss ....
We didn't no that your
are in love with mrs Peach,
we are coming to your wedding,
BIg BIg BIg hugs Kareltje
Take care.......
Mickey, we totally respect your decision about the biopsy. We also opted out of the biopsy when Cal was going downhill and cancer was suspected. We did not want to put him through surgery and set his health back any further if there was nothing the vet could do to cure him. Hang in there! You are in great and loving hands! We will be purring and purring and purring.......
Oh Mickey...
I respect your decision because I think you are right, quality is better than quanity. No matter what, you have such a loving home and a great Mom.
We are going to keep yo in our prayers and hope that it is not the C word.
Smoochies and hugs....
Mickey, we're sending you many purrs! We think you are making the right decision too - and we also think it's good to concentrate on the good things, like your wedding to the lovely Miss Peach!
Our mom says she wishes she could give you a hug right now (not sure if you would like that!)
sending you good thoughts.
Oh Mickey, sorry we have not been keeping up with you. I am still purring for you and I hope you will stay well as long as you can. I hope your teeth are sparkly clean now.
I hope my mom's purrsonal issues get better soon, so we can visit more.
Hugs to you and your mum!
Hugs and purrs your way.
Hugs to you furcousin! We are purring and praying that you have many good years ahead of you yet. Live each day to the fullest and we knows yer mom is taking good care of you.
from all of us.
Just stopped by to say hi. You will be in my prayers for your health and happiness. You want to live happy and celebrate the good things in life and for that I say you are a very intelligent cat. Hugs and purrs. Confucius Cat aka Alley Mason
Mickey, I am going to assume that you do not have the "C" word, because that would make me too sad to think about. I think you made a good decision, and just be happy and try not to worry. After all, you do have a big event ahead of you with Miss Peach!
Mickey...we think you gotta live life and enjoy yourself...and not worry about what might be...cuz it's just as easy to think that it might not be too!
I understand, Mickey. Hopefully it's just nontypical cells and not cancer, and you will be with us for many more years. Quality of life is so important! My cat who came before had oral cancer, and it was aggressive. I could not face putting her through treatment at her age.
Many hugs for you and your family.
Oh Mickey, we are sorry to hear that. We agree with how your mom wants to handle this. We treasure your friendship and hope we have lots of time to enjoy with you.
Roxy & Lucky
If der was something da vet could do well, dat would be difrint. Why put yoorself thru dat if it's either gonna be "yoor good to go" or "there's nothing we can do". We say live life to da fullest and whatever happens, happens.
We just found your blog and signed up to follow, and we look forward to getting to know you! We hope you have many good days ahead, and wow, Miss Peach? You sneeky guy! Quite the ladies man, are you?
Dear Sweet Mickey,
My heart is sadden by this news.Yet I agree with your decision and i wish you much happiness and sunshine days.Your a very sweet friend and your in my thoughts and Prayers...Hugs
you gots the right ideas, dude. enjoy what you has while you has it; an' if you has it fur a little longer, well--so much the better fur you! (an' our beloved miss peach!) we hopes to dance at yer weddin', an' yer anniversaries!!
love & purrrrrrrs,
ed, nitro, & xingxing
I agree completely, Mickey. It's much much better to have lots of fun. My mom has this favorite saying from that Llama guy, "If there is a solution, there's no need to worry: if there is no solution, then there's no use in worrying." (HH Dalai Lama)
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