On this Mancat Monday, I am enjoying some wonderful sun rays.

They are so warm upon my furs.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm,it feels so good!!!
Today is also a holiday. It is Victoria Day.
It is the day Canada celebrates our Sovereign's birthday

Happy Victoria Day to all Canadian Kitties !

Fabulous sunspot!
Fabulous sunspot Mickey!
Oah Your fur is shine shine shine~!!!!!!
You are so handsome Mickey~!!!!
Glad you have a great holiday!!
Happy VICTORIA DAY!!! I hope you do something special to celebrate today like visiting the stunningly beautiful spot of Peggy's Cove. That would be a dream for mommy to see. Maybe someday it might come true! The beans love Lighthouses as they were married in one on the Oregon coast.
I wish we had a little rain here that we could store up for the summer time. We are under flood watch from the warm weather melting the snow pack too fast in the Cascade mountains.
Today I spent some time looking at the pretty postcard you sent me from Halifax. Such a beautiful clock tower.
Well I am going to bed in the IN BOX until morning comes and the outside calls. We have baby birds in three birdhouses so there is lots of racket in the garden in the morning!
Sendning much love from your SunshineXOXOXOX
It's not fair that you get a holiday and we don't! Mummy misses a lot of the Canadian holidays, such as Thanksgiving that usually lands on her Birthday... :)
Your coat is so glossy, Mickey, you must be getting lots of good food. Enjoy the warmth!
Happy Victoria Day, Mickey, Tillie and Georgia! :)
Mickey, you look happy in your sun spot, and your furs are gleaming!
Happy Victoria Day!!
Happy Victoria Day, Mickey! I'm soaking up some rays today, too!
Happy Victoria Day.
Looks like you're enjoying some sunshine :)
Happy Victoria Day! Enjoy the sunshine!
Happy Victoria Day, Mickey!
You look very handsome today, Mick!
Happy Victoria Day, Mickey! Glad you can have a relaxing day in the sun on this holiday. My mom wishes she could have a day off to lay in the sun too!
What wonderful sun rays you found, Mickey!
Happy Victoria Day to you!!!
~ Napoleon
Happy Victoria Day! She was a wonderful and influenial Queen. Enjoy those sunbeams Mickey! They look so warm and your furs look great!
What a great sunspot Mickey. It is a perfect place for a nice long nap!
Happy Victoria Day!
Happy Victoria day to you!
Those are great pictures of you, Mickey :-) I love your quilt, the colors look wonderful against your beautiful black fur.
Have a great holiday!
Your furs are so shiney! I bets that sun feels furry good, too.
Happy Victoria Day!
Happy Victoria Day. :)
Happy Victoria Day!
Happy Victoria Day! It was sunny, but cold. I am glad I was indoors.
Stay warm.
Oh, Mickey, aren't you the most handsome mancat in your sunspot! Happy Victoria Day to you!
Purrrrrrs, Willow
Ummm, sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy, sunshine in my eyes makes cry .........
How nice!
Happy Victoria Day!
I love those sunshine days, they
make me really shine! Purrs
Spooky Do, Daisy, Aniwa, &
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