I'm sitting here on the porch. Mom is outside!
I think she is getting some grass for me!!!!!!!!
I can here something outside!!!!!!!!!
Oooooooooooo,it's Mom. She is playing with that squirrel!!!
She's supposed to be getting grass!!!! Mickey's right, that stuff is good.

Mickey and Tillie are obsessed with grass!!!

That means I get to play with this catnip toy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

WOW!!! That is a neat toy. Better than grass.Hahahaha!!

Hahahaha~~~Very Very cute, your mommy is so great having grass outside to breath fresh air~!
The standing pose also a very classic one!
Have a wonderful Wednesday to you 3!
Hehe, what a nice place to watch and play. Are you not allowed to go outside because your mom picks up the grass for you ? My cats all play little cows every day ! Grass is good for their little stomacs.
So... did the grass ever show up?
That was smart to get the toy whilst the others were distracted by grass! :)
I think you need to go back to basic training with the human.
Simba xx
Did you finally get the blessed grass!!!!!!!!?
I hope you got your grass Mickey!!!
We think you have a right idea, Georgia. :) Catnip toys are fun to play with!
Mickey and Tillie, did you get some grass?
Oh yeah, nip is good. Just check out our bloggie!
Ha ha ha! You three are so cute.
Catnip yes, Grass I's not so sure about ... I has to try it again.
Looks like so much fun!
Looks like fun. Hope you got your coveted grass.
I still love your porch where you can see out. I think it is so rude of your human to play with a squirrel when she is supposed to be serving you. Did you whap her?
Did you get the grass? Nip is good too though.
Tillie is crazier about a toy than grass. By the way, did the mom bring grass?
We just looked at the tulip link you sent us. Very interesting. Thanks for showing us this!
Awwww, all of you are such purreshus kitties! You look like you're havin a furry fun day!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Georgia, I think you're a pretty smart girlcat ;-)
Mickey and Tillie, I hope your Mom didn't make you wait too long for your grass.
Mmmmmm....I love catnip toys! I like grass too, but my Mum just planted me some and it is not ready yet, sigh....
You three are so adorable! Enjoy your cat grass and your 'nip toys.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Looks like a fun day for you guys.
Hey, Mickey, that's some great singing of yours over at Crizcats's surprise party. Bet Miss Peach is swooning away.
Don't forget the surprise birthday party over at CrizCats. They are in a different time zone and tomorrow is already today. :)
So, where's the grass? Surely, after she played with the Evil Squirrel, you did finally get your grass!!
Georgia, you are right this was the perfect time to investigate and play with the toys.
grass-schmass. I do not like it either. Pierro like lettuce and cooked carrots. can you believe that? mom thinks he could be part rabbie
well I hope Mickey and Tillie got some grass. Your mom is a great helper!
purrs for a happy day!
I hope you got your grass Mickey and Tillie!
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