Hey, do ya wanna see some sweet toes??
These are my front paws.
Cute aren't they ,heehee!!
These are my back paws.

Nice toes Georgia...big too,heehee!!
I am sitting here waiting for grass!

I use my toes to make sure Tillie does not steal my grass.

See me holding some with my paw?

As it turns out,Tillie was snoozing.
You can see her toes too.

You all have such adorable toes you guys!
Nice tootsies--you too, grrrass mancat.
Those are very nice toesies.
Oah Dear you three~~
You guys make Michico wants to see all of your toesies!
Cute toesies! Esp helpful for holding on the grass too! :)
What cute little toes you have.
Simba x
Hello dear Moonshine! I have had such a busy weekend sleeping in the In Box. Mommy is getting real tired of me being in there ALL the time. She is worried about it that I spend too much time in there. I just like it!
She comes around all the time and taps me on my head with her paws....the nerve waking me up all the time with her kisses. I need to sleep and dream of you.
Thank you for the nice tribute to Memorial Day...it was quiet and reverant.
Love your Sunshine
You all have such great toesis! And holding grass with toesis is a great thing!
Thank you so much for stopping by our blog yesterday. All those purrs helped as Chica and Pumuckl are back to normal! :-)
Yes dats sum nise toes dehr... Mawmee wroted a poem bouts my toesies on hur head...
Cuz she smelt rain dur full!!
-Daisy May Daffodilly, subbin fur Katie Too cuz shes out in da rain ALL NITES at a Ninja Cat meeting... Mawmees gettin worried cus she dont got hur collar on.
Oooh Weze forgottid sumpin... Tank fur cummin byz wif advise on movin!! Ize promice to not get stucks in boxes!!
--Bootsie Woo... oooh wehr is dat silly Katie Too!! I hopes she cums back frums her Meetin soon! Mawmee not sleepin or nuffin.
All of those toesies are very, very smoochable!
Lots of lovely toesies.
Mom use to go out every morning and pick fresh grass for us when we lived in Florida because we couldn't go outside there, it was way too busy a city. Nothing is better than fresh picked grass!
You all have wonderful toes! Georgia, yours are very cute indeed!
Nice sets of toes. Hey....Georgia has white toes just like me!
Georgia, I think you have the most gorgeous toes ever! (They are like mine! Hee hee.)
Georgia looks very soft, toes and all.
And Mickey does love his grass, it seems :)
Georgia, I like how you have one tortie foot and one black foot! It makes a good fashion statement.
I wanna know how you get them to
stay still for the tootsie photos!?
I luv tortie toes and midnight
toes, no I luv all kitty toes! :)
Awesome toesies!
I love your polydactyl toesies, they are just so darn cute!
Oh Georgia you have the superest toesies!
I think you all have cute toes! Mickey, yours are very Mancatly.
Those Polydactyl toes are very cool!
Dem is some cute feets...has yoor mom planted cat grass fur yoo yet?
Feet, feet, feet, how many feet we meet..no time to say hello, Goodbye! Feet, feet, feet!
(you can tell I'm well read, can't you?)
Your toes are really pretty!
Mickey, that is good to hold on to your grass!
I hope you three had a pleasant day.
It looks like you had sun! Here we had clouds. I snuggled in my bed most of the day.
Oh, such cute feetsies, toesies and kitties. Hope the grass was nice and fresh, Mickey.
Nice tootsies!! Adorables.
yoo guys haf da best and cutest toes.
Georgia, you have beautiful pawsies :-) Too bad Tillie slept through all that and missed out on the grass :-p But that does mean more for you, Mickey ;-)
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