Sunday 30 September 2007

Sunday Morning

Today is a beautiful, sunny day.I can tell by the open window that it is cool outside.Tillie is looking for Earl the Squirrel. Mom puts out seeds and it's a race to see who comes first, Earl or the birds. You can see the sunflower he,or the birds, planted.
This big tree is where Earl hangs out.
We had heavy rain and big wind on Friday. It did a job on Mom's sunflower.The petals are gone!

If you look very carefully at this picture,you can see Georgia.The screen is 2 layers , since we could make holes in it if it was one layer. I did that when we lived in our apartment. The screens have to be metal!

Mom is trying to restore the garden that used to be here long ago. She got some plants from her sister, Mrs.Quilter , and other friends. The big daylilies, from yesterdays post, were already here. Mom just weeded them and thinned them out a bit. It keeps her busy. Mom,you still have lots of weeds,hahaha!

Since it's still cool and Mom is probably going to clean, I think I will lie on her bed and have a snooze!

Saturday 29 September 2007

Photo Hunt- Original

We did not start blogging until Mom got a digital camera. Now,this is not a requirement, but she thought it would add interest. The real reason is that she did not think she could tell stories without showing pictures.She thought putting conventional pics on disc and then on the 'puter,yada,yada, would take too much time. Mom is silly, she just does not like writing. We forced her to do it as a way to "expand her horizions". Now she has a little one and these are the first,original pictures she took!

I can't believe the first pic was not ME! Just because I don't like that flashy box is no excuse. Heehee.

Friday 28 September 2007

Fun on the Porch

Hi ! Georgia here. Today is Fashion Friday. My idea of fashion is that I don't do it well.
The closest I get is the odd sheet,blanket or cat mat I like to get under sometimes.

This night,it was hard to think about Fashion . I was on the porch and it was raining outside.The wood that the screen is attached to looked very enticing. I had to scratch it. After all, your nails are important to looking good.

I loosened a piece of wood,so naturally,I had to bite it!

It was fun. The screen is very easy to hold on to. The wood is old and easy to shred.

When I was done, I just sat for a while to enjoy the cool, damp air on this rainy night.

Tillie just watched from her box. She likes to sit on the porch too.

It's cool,quiet and you can hear the nightsounds.

Thursday 27 September 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Just some random facts about me.

1. When I was adopted,I lived in an apartment in the city with Mom. We were there for 12 years.(Mom was there longer)

2. In the apartment building,there were 2 other cats and we became friends. They were a few years younger than me though.

3. It was a small building and it had a front and back door. Our Mom's would open the back doors and we would run in & out of each others apartment.

4. We loved the evenings when our Mom's came home. We would cry at the back door for it to be opened so we could play.

5. Mom said that we were lucky cats. We had 3 apartments to run around in and she only had 1.

6. If Mom went away,the other Mom's would look after me. Mom would return the favor.

7. Our apartment had lots of windows,but all we could see was beans,cars and birds. We did not go outside. We could not get the birds.(darn windows)

8. Everyone moved on. Now I live in a small house just outside the city.

9. There are lots of trees and we live between 2 lakes that are joined by a river.

10. There is a big screened porch here. I see critters I never saw in the city. It is very entertaining and the smells are interesting.

This critter is Earl the Squirrel

11. Best of all,there is grass!!!! Mom does not have to hunt for it or buy it anymore.

12. My sisfurs,Tillie & Georgia were 2 years old when we got them. They are 4 years old now.

They are young and silly and I don't play with them.

13. I prefer to hang out with Mom. I am the only one alowed in the bedroom so I like to hang out there most of the time and I sleep there. Tillie and Georgia have their favorite spots in the living room.
Life is good.

Wednesday 26 September 2007

Wordless Wednesday

PlaySquirrel Hunt
Take the flashy box away!

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Tortie Tuesday

Hi, It's me Georgia. I am showing off my Tortie furs today.

I like to keep them clean and looking good.

That includes my tail. That's because the porch gets dusty.

I like to play with Mom. I wonder if this strap is tasty?

Oh well,I'll sit on the porch and see if Earl the Squirrel drops by.

Only problem is,I can't get outside!When I tire of watching the great outdoors,I will take a nap.Yawn!

Monday 24 September 2007

Gotcha Day!!!!!!!!

In September of 1993, Mom had a big,hairy, black cat and his name was Reuben. He was Mom's perfect Halloween cat. He also had Feline Leukemia. He got very sick,and died from kidney complications.

Mom knew Marg,a lady that worked at the Vet's office. Marg had asked her if she would get another cat. Mom replied that ,when the right cat came along,she would. Mom told Marg that she wanted another long haired black cat.

Now,it so happened that they were having this conversation at the Vet's office. Being lonely and hearing voices that were close, I started to scream. Loudly. Non stop. Mom said to Marg that that patient was not very happy. Marg said it was not a patient,but a kitten that someone left on her doorstep. There was a box of 3 and he was the only one left,AND ,he was black! But shorthaired. Mom thought ,then said "Well,I'll just take a peek"

Mom and Marg came in the room. As soon as I saw her I reached through the prison bars with both arms,screaming the whole time. Mom smiled and said, " Well maybe I'll hold him for a minute." Let me tell you I was as cute as I could be. I told her that I did not like being alone. I did not like being the only cat in prison. I told her that I was too cute to stay there,all alone.

So Mom caved! She said she would take me home in a few days. She needed to get kitty things.

I was so excited,I could not shut up and talked about it non-stop. Finally,the day came.

It was Friday,September 24,1993.

When Mom picked me up,she asked the people if they would miss "the little guy". They said,"We won't miss listening to kitty mews ALL.DAY.LONG." (Silly beans!)

So, 14 years ago today I found my Mom.I am sooooooo happy! She is too!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Easy Like Sunday

Nothing like a good snooze on Sunday morning before things get busy!!
Especially when it's with Mom!

Saturday 22 September 2007

Saturday Paper Hunt

Today's theme for The hunt is :Paper

Mom,I need more Temptations!

Mom: I need more green papers,to but groceries and Temptations.

OK,here is a money. Is blue OK?

Mom: Where did you get that?

From your purse.

Mickey!!!!! Yes (sigh) blue is OK.

Gee,thanks Mom. Oh boy !

After a treat I like to snooze on the paper. Paper is neat!

Oh, one more paper that Mom needs . A birthday card!

Today is Mom's sister's birthday.HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 21 September 2007

Friday Flower

Mom is excited.She found a sunflower plant growong outside by the front deck. She did not think it would bloom,since it seems to have been planted rather late.It bloomed.
She did not plant it. Who did?
Maybe it was AlvinOr maybe Earl(the Squirrel)

Whoever planted the sunflower,Mom says thanks!!

Thursday 20 September 2007

Grass,Gotta have It!

I have mentioned before that I like grass. I mean, I REALLY like grass! Anytime Mom goes outside, I assume she is getting grass for me. As soon as I see her coming, I start crying in anticipation of the long, green delicacy. I love nip, but in summer I love fresh grass more!

Waiting is the hardest part!

Mom showes me what she got

Inhale the flavor!

Yeah,this is the good stuff!


I have her well trained don't I?!!!

Wednesday 19 September 2007

Meow Like a Pirate

We be reday for the Tuna Juice!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 18 September 2007

2 Meme Tuesday

I was tagged by my new friend TT for the Name Meme.So here goes.

Actually the story is rather short.When Mom adopted me from the Vet's office and took me home ,she needed to find a name. She had a young nephew everyone called Ricky. The simple sound of that name struck a chord.Mickey was the name she chose. I like it.It suits a House Panther,Mancat.

Now as a lot of cats have done this, I tag any cat that has not done this yet.Just let me know so I can come read it.

I was also tagged by the wonderful Yao-Lin for the "Seven Things Meme"

The guidelines for this tag:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules

2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.

3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)

4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”
Seven things about me…

Mickey 1. I simply loved to be brushed. When I hear Mom brushing her hair,I come running and plead for my turn.I always get it too.

2. I have trained Mom to get me grass and feed it to me one blade at a time.

3. Mom can't have flowers.Since there is greenery in the bouquets, I want to eat it, and the flowers.( Sorry Mom)

4. I will stare at Mom when she eats ice cream to make sure she does not forget to let me lick the bowl.She eats flavours I like.

5. I stand in front of Mom's monitor if she ignores me.( I mean ,really Mom)

6. I like to climb. The TV is on a shelf and I climb up there to sleep since it is warm.

7. At night,Mom leaves the back deck light on.That way,I can watch the bats flying around to eat the bugs. Boy do they ever move fast too!!


1. I am a tortie and Tillie is my littermate. We both have round faces with big eyes.

2. I am polydactyl. I have extra toes front and back.

3. I like to pick on Tillie, she hates it, and Mickey (only a bit though).

4. I also loved to be brushed and get scritches.It's like a body massage.

5. Mom likes my reow,reow instead of a regular meow. It's just what I do.

6. I like to crawl under any type of covering, like sheets,blankets,mats.It feels safe under there.

7. I have black whiskers on the right side and white whiskers on the left side of my face.


1. I'm the cute one.My fur is silky soft. Softer than Mickey and Georgia.

2. Mom is my 2nd Mom. My (and Georgia) first Mom was an older lady with cancer and she went to the Bridge.We are named after friends of hers.

3. I have to be in the kitchen! I have to help Mom get things done.I like to help.

4. I love to sleep in the sun in a box.( I think you know this,heehee.) Any box will do.

5. I have black fur with a tiny bit of white at my throat and a bit on my belly.

6. I like to sharpen my claws on the doorframe.Mom said she will get me another place "to do that"! Well,the frames are old and need to be replaced!

7. Mom says I still have my baby meows( I'm 4 years old). I say it's a girly meow(Mom,I don't squeak! )

Again, I will ask any cat that would like to do this to please do. Just let me know by leaving a comment in my blog. My brain is too fuzzy and I don't know who is left to tag( oh crud!)

Ciao for now!!

Monday 17 September 2007

Mancat Monday

How easy is it to do a silhouette for a black cat ? Heehee

My new friend TT gave me this award! I am so happy,Thank You!

I'll go tease my sisfurs with it,but they probably would agree.

Almost forgot, I will give this award to Tiger Lily and Moe & Mindy

Tiger Lily is a nice cat whose Mom is really busy right now. Moe & Mindy are really nice cats.

Sunday 16 September 2007

Easy Like sunday

Nothing Beats Sunshine!!!!!!

Enjoy a lazy day