Monday 29 November 2010

Mancat Monday

You know, I am 17 years old and have my own room.
I am used to being an only cat,so I am nervous  around
some of the other kitties that live here.

In order to get up on this box, I had to pass Tiger.
She was snoozing on the floor of the porch.
She is 14 years old and has arthritis.
She is pretty good to me and will not chase me.

I was able to give her a little sniff as I walked by.
She kept on snoozing.

I walked over to the door and looked out.
It was sunny and outdoors looks interesting.
I was not able to go out this door.  Darn!

I looked out this door in my room. 
I could not go out this door either!
I would like to go out,only for a little while.
I need to work on Mom, but that will be hard.
I may have to go back to my heaty pad
 and think about this for a while!!

Want to see what silly Tillie is doing?
See her at House Panthers.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Friday Close Ups

First thing...
 We hope all out American friends had a

Well, the snow did not last long!
We had some rain and said bye,bye to the snow.
Seems we will also say bye,bye to Mom. 
She will be busy this weekend with her sister.
They will be going on their annual "Tea & Tour"
Tea at the church hall and 3 homes decorated
for Christmas! They are looking forward to it a lot.
We will be spending the time snoozing!!
Have a fun weekend!!!!!!!







Tuesday 23 November 2010

What Mom Saw

Guess what???
Last night after supper, Mom looked out the window.
This is what she saw!!

See Mom's footprint?

The flurries came back and stayed this time.

It is not a lot of snow.
Mom calls it a dusting.
Today we should get rain.
We hope it takes away that snow!!
I'm happy to be an indoor kitty!!

Monday 22 November 2010

Mancat Monday

Hmmmmmmmmmm!! Another sunny day.
 That's nice,I like sunshine.
We saw some snowflakes on Saturday!
They did not stay.Silly snowflakes!!

The sun  kinda makes me sleepy,
so I think I will go to my room for a nap!

Oh the other hand,this feels good and warm.

Oh, I think I will just stay here and soak up 
those glorious sunbeams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to see what Tillie is doing??
See her at House Panthers.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Remembering Friends

There have been  so many kitties 
crossing the Rainbow Bridge this month.
We thought we would take time to light a candle
and reflect on the loss of these beloved cats.

Many kitties we knew, some we did not .
We also think about all the homeless kitties who
cross the Bridge and have no one to mourn for them

We light our candle and purr for the loss
of all kitties who have crossed the Bridge.
We  purr for their families too.

Friday 19 November 2010

Friday Close Ups

Well,it's Friday again and the weekend is here.
Mom is happy and so are we. She has been busy
doing things and also something called
Christmas shopping!
She also keeps complaining about  a lack of time.
We think Mom needs to have naps more often.
Hey, it works for us...right? 
We have lots of time !! heeheehee







Monday 15 November 2010

Mancat Monday

We had a really nice weekend!
It was sunny and warm!
Mom was busy outside working on the house.
Her sister and her hubby were helping.
I enjoyed the warm sun on the porch.

Oh man!!!!!!!!!
That sun feels SO good on my furs!!!!!!

It was a great weekend and I can lay here and 
remember how good the sun was.
Just as good as my heaty pad, heehee
Have a fun Monday.

Tillie enjoyed the sun too.
See her at House Panthers.

Friday 12 November 2010

Friday Close Ups

Well,guess what??
The weathergirl was right!!
The sun came back!!!!!
Needless to say,we have been enjoying it,heehee
It will be around ALL weekend. WOOT!!!!







Thursday 11 November 2010

Remembrance Day

Today is Remembrance Day.
Today we remember all the men and women 
who served our country in the wars and peacekeeping
 missions past and present.
The poppy is a symbol of Remembrance
and I am wearing mine.
Mom's Dad and Uncle served in WW2

When Mom was in Ottawa this summer,
 she was able to visit the War Memorial.

This picture is from a calendar and shows 
a Remembrance Day ceremony held in Ottawa.

Mom also got to see the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

This is what the top looks like.

After the ceremony on Remembrance Day'
people leave their poppies on the tomb.
They also leave flowers,letters and pictures.

Purrs to all who served and continue to serve.
Thank You!

Monday 8 November 2010

Mancat Monday-A Day in the Life

Today  I am going to show you a day in my life.
I start by getting up in the morning.

I  look out the door and check the porch. 

I sit on the box and look outside.
I like to be sure there are no intruders in the yard.

When I am happy that all is in order,
I go back into the house.

I work on my post  and try to get 
Mom to help me visit all of you.
(Sometimes that is not easy)

When I am satisfied that everything is done , 
I curl up for the night  have a good snooze.

Want to see what  Tillie is doing??
See here at House Panthers.