Mickey here with a BIG Tattle Tale.
Most of you are familiar with my little sisfurs Georgia and Tillie.
You may even remember that they used to live with a kind lady
who had cancer. Mom helped look after her and the kitties.
Thing is, there were a LOT of kitties.
When the Lady went to the human Bridge, Mom needed to
care for these kitties.
With the help of her
sister(Mrs Quilter), they found homes for some kitties.
There were some kitties they liked and some that had problems
that made them not as adoptable.

That's right Mickey. Mrs Quilter took 3 kitties.
Bono,because he was white,Mike because he was cool and
Cookie as he had some health issues.
They are all happy too!!

Tillie: That is good that they are happy, Georgia.
That left 3 kitties and Mom decided to keep them!!!
So there are really 6 kitties here!
Funny thing is...we are duplicates.
We are 2 black cats, 2 Tortie cats and 2 Tabby cats!!!!!
Let me introduce them to you.

This lovely fellow is JoyJoy.
He is prone to crystals, not a good thing.
He also tends to pee in the litter box,
but poops on the newspaper Mom puts in front of the box.
Even when the litter is clean!!
We are not sure why he does that.

He is a friendly ,floofy cat!

This is Treasure. He is a very nervous kitty.
Mom refers to these kitties as "The Twins"

This is not the best picture, but Treasure over grooms.
You can see he has less fur at the hind end.
He used to get picked on by other cats and that made him spray.
Now he is much better about not spraying,
but licks his furs off instead!

This is Tiger. She is the other Tortie!!
She has some health issues and arthritis.
The way she runs around, you would never know it,heehee

Mom calls her 'intense', because she is high energy and is always in motion.
It was hard for her to stop long enough for Mom to get her picture!!
Tiger likes to talk to Mom.

So there you have it!! Now you know why Mickey likes his own space.
He accepts the other kitties, but is not crazy about them.
As long as he has his own space, he is happy.
He visits with the other cats for a little bit
when Mom is around.
We just figured that it was time to show you the other kitties.
The Twins

The Twins with Georgia.
All these kitties make for great snuggle buddies!!!

Now you know that Mom really IS a crazy cay lady!!!!!!!!
It's OK!!! We love you Mom!
I love you kitties too!!