Friday 29 May 2015

Finally Friday and Special Wishes!

Georgia: Well, as a matter of fact I do like spending
lots of time here.It's the computer room and I like to be
near Mom since she helps me blog.

Treasure often keeps me company.

JJ and Julie love the porch and often spend their time there.
As you can see, they get along quite well.
Julie just had a stretch as you can see by her back toes.

We are looking forward to the weekend and Mom time.
Today is special though. Our furcousins Mom and Dad
 This place is called White Point.
We purr they have a FUN time!

We also purr you all have a FUN weekend !

Monday 25 May 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had a pretty nice weekend.
It was cool and rainy on Saturday and Sunday  finally
warmed up and was sunny. I still wanted to lay here on
this comfy blankie because it is comfy and I like it here.
I can even have a nice view out the window to the back deck.

JJ enjoyed some time playing "big cat, small box"

Treasure enjoyed looking at Critter TV.

Earl, the little red squirrel was enjoying some seeds Mom gave him.

Julie had fun on the porch. She loves it on the porch.

Pop over to House Panthers  and see
how much Julie enjoys her porch !

Friday 22 May 2015

Finally Friday

Georgia:  Yesterday, I had a checkup with my Vet.
She was very happy with my progress.
My colon is back to normal size and is working well.
I am happy as it means I do not have to take pills anymore!
I am really going to enjoy this weekend.

Julie: I love weekends and anytime that means I get to spend
more time with Mom. I like to hang out with her and follow 
her around. She gives me scritches and hugs. I live it!

JJ: I like my box. I can sleep in it, watch Critter TV in it and
scratch my chin on it. It is comfy too.

 Treasure: I like comfy places to sleep.
I do not like the flashy box in my face.
I like Mom best when she pats me and puts that annoying box 

We wish you all a FUN weekend !

Monday 18 May 2015

Mom is Home for Victoria Day !

Georgia: Happy Monday friends. We are enjoying
another day with Mom. That means more porch time,
scritches and cuddles. WooHoo!

JJ is happy as he knows Mom will go out side and pick
some grass for him and Julie. They love eating grass!

Treasure is happy to kick back and relax on the porch sofa.

This weekend we saw a new critter, a groundhog!

We have not seen one in our yard before.
We are not sure where he lives, but Mom hopes
it is in the woods.

Julie is looking forward to lots of scritches from Mom.
She likes to follow Mom around and curl up in her lap
if she sits down to read.

Mom is home today because it is Victoria Day in Canada.
To all our Canadian friends we say...

Pop over to House Panthers.
You can see what Julie likes to do.

Friday 15 May 2015

Finally Friday, Long Weekend!

Julie: Hello friends and happy Friday!
We are happy as it is a long weekend and we get
an extra Mom day.
Mom says it is Victoria Day on Monday.

JJ: We like the extra Mom day as we get more porch time
and it should be sunny and warm!
Except for Sunday, it will be rainy.
We can us that day for snuggles.

Treasure: I am happy anytime Mom is home.
I like Mom and like to be around her.

Georgia: I am happy for the long weekend too.
I am happy I feel so much better and can enjoy it!
My friend William was hoping to see a poodle cut where
the Vet shaved my legs to take a blood sample and to put
 in an IV line.Because of my Tortie furs, my legs are 
Tortie tattoo'd and it is not easy to see the shaved spots.

This is a close up pf my legs. The pink brackets show the
shaved bits. Not too much of a poodle leg.
As a girl, I am glad it is not too noticeable.
Sorry William.

We purr you all have a super FUN weekend!!!

Tuesday 12 May 2015

WooHoo! No More Bandages!

Georgia: Check it bandage!
The IV line is gone.
The Vet is happy with my progress.
My appetite is slowly returning.
I ate some supper when I got home.
I am so happy this ordeal is over!


Monday 11 May 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: On Sunday, I was on the porch for a while.
It was warm and I had a little nap.

Monday I go to the Vet to have the IV needle under
 the pink bandage removed. I am not crazy about going
to the Vet, but I cannot wait to have my arm freed!
I am feeling a bit better, but my appetite is not as good.
I better eat my foods so I don't have to go back to see the Vet!

Julie had a good weekend.

See more of her at House Panthers.

Friday 8 May 2015

Georgia Update - Great News!!!!

We are very happy in our home tonight.
The mass that was seen has been determined to be
fecal matter. This means Georgia was more constipated
 than we all thought.
There was a bunch of stool trapped in the small intestine
and she required help to get it out.
She was given a general anesthetic and the Vet did her work 
to make Georgia feel better.

Her leg is bandaged because she still has the IV line in.
She will go back to the Vet Saturday and spend the day
getting IV fluids, then come back home.
She will go in Monday for the day then be at home for a while 
to recover before another check up.
Needless to say we are as relieved as we can be!
I am just sad she had to get to this state.
The important thing is that she will be OK.
We just need to get her intestines back to normal.

I don't feel great yet, but I am happy to be home.

maybe I need a good sleep.

all for your purrs and kind thoughts !
They were such a comfort !

Purrs for Georgia

Georgia is at the Vet today.
She will be having surgery to remove the growth
in her abdomen.
We purr she will do well.
We will update tonight.

Monday 4 May 2015

Hanging in there Monday

Georgia: I am still hanging in there.
I do not have an appetite and Mom is syringe feeding me.
I was up and looking good on Sunday, but still no appetite.
That worries Mom. I will pee, but no poop.
Guess I need to eat more for that to happen.
She says if I do  not eat, I have to g back to the Vet.
I'm trying, but...

Thank you for your good wishes and purrs!

Mom has a bag of clothes for Goodwill.
JJ thinks they are most comfy!

Treasure likes the face plant!

Julie loves the porch. 
She had fun this weekend.

See her having fun at House Panthers.

Friday 1 May 2015

Purrs for Georgia and Happy May Day

UPDATE: 6:45 PM ( ADT)

Georgia is home.The stool was removed, so that is good.
However, the Vet found a mass between the small and
large intestines.The Vet was able to aspirate some cells
and also get a core biopsy sample.
These will be sent to a lab for analysis and results should 
be available late next week.
I will work on getting her to eat and monitor her output.
She is enjoying scritches and being home.
Thank you so much for all the good wishes and purrs.
Please keep purring for a good result from the lab.
Georgia is a sweet,sensitive, gentle kitty.
I am very attached to this kitty and want her to be well.
~Mom  Nancy

Thanks to Ann @ Zoolatry for this lovely pic.

Julie: Happy May Day friends!
We are happy that it is Friday and the weekend is starting.
My big sister Georgia is at the Vet.
Mom had thought she was doing better,but Georgia fooled
her until Wednesday night.
When Mom came home from work, Georgia did not come
 and greet her. Nor did she come for dinner.
She looked sad and Mom knew she was constipated.
Mom has a suspicion, now she was sure.

The Vet was able to get a bunch of stuff(poop) out
but there was still some left.
She stayed in the hospital overnight. On Thursday she was
given medication and fluids and pooped a bit.
Just to be safe, Georgia will stay at the Vet's and Mom
will pick her up after work. 

I ask you to send some purrs so Georgia will feel better,
and poop  and eat so she can come home.
I know she is in a good place, but I want her to be OK.

I know I chase her a lot, but I do not want her to be sick.

Mom will update you Friday night when Georgia is home.