Friday 29 April 2016

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, I went back to the Vet yesterday for a
check up.Mum was concerned that I was not pooping 
enough and she was right! 
The Vet gave me a micro enema and sent me home.
As you can see, I was pretty happy after I used the 

I even got to spend the evening on the porch.

Hey JJ, what are you doing?

JJ: Just checking out this box.

It's a nice box.

I don't want to stay in it though.

 Good thing you don't have that vet smell Georgia.
You smell OK.

Julie was relaxing on the porch too.

Treasure was wandering around the house.
Mum took him to the Vet too as he was showing signs
of being constipated too!
Mum noticed on Tuesday that he was going to the box
but not doing anything. She gave him some of
the Lax-a-Day*  and on Thursday he pooped!
The Vet said mum caught it in time and he was clear.
So it looks like me and Treasure will get the laxative
on a regular basis to keep us,well, regular!

Guess we can all relax now and start this weekend!
We purr you all have a healthy and FUN one!

*a tasteless laxative in powder form that can
easily be mixed with food or dissolved in  water.

Monday 25 April 2016

Georgia's Not So Fun Week!

Georgia: As you can see, I was at the Vet this week.

I was there for 3 days!

I did not like it either!

I was really happy when Mum came to take me home.

She gave me scritches .

 I am mighty happy to be home again!

Mum: Once again, Georgia had a bout of constipation.
Not as bad as last time,but still bad.
Looks like she will need to be segregated when I am not 
at home(she and Julie tend to not get along well,
leading to litter box issues and confrontations)
and will be monitored  and given stool softeners as required.
Watching your cat's poop  can be very important

Julie is showing off her sides.

Pop over to House Panthers  to see!

Friday 22 April 2016

More Fun With Our Toys

Georgia:  As you can see, we are still enjoying our prizes

We are SO happy we got these fabulous toys!

JJ: I agree Georgia.

These crochet eggs are pawsome!

Julie: They are so much fun to toss around!

Easily handled with one paw too.

And the mat is simply divine!

We will be enjoying these great toys this weekend .
We also look forward to time on the porch, 
We wish you all a FUN weekend too !

Monday 18 April 2016

Georgia: We Won a Prize from 15 and Meowing!

Julie: Whoa! What has Georgia got?

Georgia: Oh boy! Our prize from 15 and Meowing came!
We won it in an Easter contest, but our post was slow.

Smells good!

Julie: Look at this mat! 
It smells great! It's mine!

Georgia: No it isn't! It is for all of us.
I'm going to try it first!

Oh boy! This is really nice. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


OK, I'm letting JJ have a chance to try it out.
You can see that Julie wants it back! Heehee
Can you see the egg by my feet?
We got 2 of them!

JJ: Oh yeah, it does smell good!
I like it too !

OK Julie, have another go!

Julie: WooHoo!
The mat and an egg! 
I love it!

Wait! What are you doing JJ?

We all had a blast with these gifts and have more pictures to share.
Treasure was tired and slept through it all.
THANK YOU so much for the fun 
Ellen and the kitties at 15 and Meowing!

You can see even more pictures at
House Panthers with Julie!

Friday 15 April 2016

Finally Friday

Georgia: I finally decided that I like this cat tree.
It is pretty comfy and I have a pretty good view up here. 
I can look out onto the porch,

It is also a pawsome place for snoozing.

JJ is already in relax mode for the weekend.
He is looking forward to lots of loving from mum.

Treasure would like a nice nap, but wants to get his treats first.

Julie, well, she likes to follow mum around 
and wants mum to play.
When you are only 6, you have lots of energy ;)

We wish you all a FUN weekend !

Monday 11 April 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Oh dear! We had more snow on Sunday!

The birds were not very impressed.

Neither were we!

 It was not a great day yesterday.
I did not feel well and yacked up my breakfast.
Then I went for a long snooze.

When I got up, I had a long drink of water.

Then, mum gave me a few crunchies.

I ate them all up too.

They were tasty.

Now, I think I will relax some more.
I want to make sure my tummy is better for 
supper time.

This cubby in the cat tree is just the right spot.

Mum looked out about 4 PM Sunday afternoon and saw this.
The sun is melting the snow!

Julie watched the snow from the kitchen window.

To see more of Julie and her thoughts,
pop over to House Panthers!
Click Here !