Friday 30 March 2018

Happy Good Friday with Flying Squirrels !

Georgia: Well, today is Friday and mum is home!
That is because it is Good Friday for Easter weekend.
I am happy now, but last night,mum took me to the Vet!
She said it was a check up to make sure my urinary
infection was gone. The Vet said I was purrfect!
Mt tests came back A-OK, so we came back home.
Bring on the treats mum!

JJ is in his fave place by the fireplace(that does not work).
He is waiting for some treats too.

Julie is waiting for mum to put the camera down and
run her belly. She wants belly rubs any chance she gets.
(She got her belly rubs)

Have you ever seen flying squirrels?
Earl will demonstrate.
3 weeks ago, we had snow.
Earl wanted to get to the tree where mum puts the seeds.

And he's off!

Mid flight.


Approaching target.
You can see another squirrel at the bottom of the picture.

Mum took this picture this morning.
As you can see, the snow is gone!
While we may see sun tomorrow, there is  a lot of rain
in the forecast for the coming week. Darn!
At least the ducks can see the seeds now.

How is your weather?
We purr you all enjoy Easter weekend and that you all
have FUN !

Monday 26 March 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, our weekend was great indoors and wild
and windy outside!
At least it was not snowing or raining,just tiny sprinkles
now and then.

A lot of the wet snow we got on Friday was washed away.
Now if only we could see the sun and get some heat.
Mum says Monday and Tuesday for sun then the rain returns.
 We did some posing and got treats.
Can you tell they were good?

Yes mum, I well pose for treats!

JJ spent some time wandering around.

He has a cozy spot in the living room.

He likes to sleep there quite often.

Look what mum found.
It is a little statue of a squirrel.She may put it in the garden.
We are not sure what Earl the Squirrel will think.
Since this guy is not likely to go after any seeds,
Earl will probably ignore him.

The view from the front is pretty good.There is no snow.
Mum says the daylilies have some shoots coming up.
That really is a sign of Spring.

On the side on the house there is still some snow.
There are lots of trees and a big hill  that also has trees so
this area does not get as much sun.
When the sun rises higher in the sky then it gets sun, but
by that time it is Summer.

Her is my pesky little sister Julie.

To see all about her weekend  you can visit

Click the red link

Friday 23 March 2018

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, this week Spring came.
It also brought some cooler weather and
another storm.
Well, the storm was not that bad, but we did get snow 
and then a lot of rain. It was pretty messy.
Mum said the snow was really wet.
However today we might see some sun!

This picture was from Thursday night.
You can see the snow, but not how saturated with water is is.
We hope the rain and maybe some sun will take it away.
Mum says we might have flurries all weekend, but next
week will be warmer with sunshine!
I hope that forecast does not change.

JJ: I kinda hope I can be on the porch again too.
It is pretty nice out here and sheltered from and wind and weather.
It is a great place for relaxing and snoozing.

Julie: You know I want to be on the porch a lot.
There is so much to explore.
There is also a comfy couch for snoozing too.
We are pretty sure we will all have FUN.

What is your weather  like?
Has Spring found you ?
We purr that you all have a FUN weekend Q!

Monday 19 March 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, after my trip to the Vet last week, I have
decided that I do not want that to happen again!

I am going to be sure to drink lots of water to keep things
clear and working!
 I am doing fine!
Thanks for all of your well wishes too .

Even JJ thinks that is a good idea!

Huh? Did someone call me?

I guess I'll see what's going on out on the porch.

There is my silly sister Julie rolling on the floor.
I know she loves the porch, but sometimes I think
she is a bit crazy!

Well, maybe I will relax a bit and maybe clean up a bit.
Suppertime is almost here.

Do you want to see what else Julie did
this weekend?

and see.

Click the red link.

Friday 16 March 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Georgia: I for one am happy to get this weekend started.
I am just plain  happy and relieved.
I had to go to the Vet on Tuesday evening.
When mum came home from work she saw that I was
not feeling well, looked uncomfortable and was sort of
sitting but not quite.Sge figured my back end was giving me trouble.
The Vet determined that I had a urinary tract infection.
A shot of Convenia and a bit of pain meds and I went home.
Now, I am feeling so much better!!
I am ready to enjoy this weekend!

JJ: I am looking forward to more of that nice sunshine.
Mum says I may have to wait until Sunday as
Saturday will be cloudy and quite cool.
Sunday will be cool as well, but sunny!
That will be OK as the porch is enclosed.
I just want some sunshine.

Julie: Come on mum,enough with the pictures!
I want to get on with this weekend where you rub my belly,
scratch my ears,hug me let me on the porch and give me treats!
I like treats and NO I don't want to hear any comments
from you.
Let's just have some FUN!

We purr the fickle weather is good where you live.
We purr you all have FUN plans for the weekend.
Emphasis on the FUN !!

Monday 12 March 2018

Mancat Monday with JJ

JJ: How cool is this? I get to do a post by myself!
Mum says it is Mancat Monday and I am the only
Mabcat here!

As you can see, I found the sun on the porch.

That was pretty neat.
I even had the porch to myself for a while as
Mz Julie was snoozing. Can you believe that?
A young cat (compared to me) sleeping!!

We had a wild weekend.
Friday  it snowed and it was also very windy!
Mum heard lots of bumping sounds and finally went
 to see what was going on.
This is what she saw! This big branch broke off of a tall tree,
At the top of the picture you can see mum's footprints
when she came home from work.

Saturday morning she took this picture.
The trunk of the big tree is in the background.
Mum does not know how the branch fell
and did not take out the power lines that are in front of the tree!

If you look closely at this picture, you can see
snowflakes! It is hard to tell, but it was partly sunny at 
the same time!
This picture is from Sunday and you can see where some
snow has melted by the trees.

This picture is from Saturday and it was sunny.
The sun melted a lot of snow too !

For a good portion of the weekend Julie was doing this
when she was not sleeping on mum's lap.

To see more pictures of Julie's weekend,

pop over to HOUSE PANTHERS.

Click the red link.

Friday 9 March 2018

Finally Friday !

Georgia: Yay for the weekend! I always enjoy
having mum around.She will be happy to be home too 
as our weather this past week has been cool and windy.
We have also been getting snow and rain and that looks 
to continue into next week.
That's OK for me as I have a cozy warm spor right here.

JJ: Yup, the weekend is here and we will lose an hour and 
that means we will be confused again about meal times!
We do not like this changing of clocks!
I like to know when my meals will come.
Mum says that the evenings will be lighter longer.
All that means is that she has more time to turn that flashy box on us! you see who photobombed me?

Julie: Oh I love to hang out with mum!
I got to get into this messy storage /laundry room.
We are hardly ever allowed in here without supervision.
I love to follow mum wherever she goes.
She calls me her shadow.
Bad weather means mum spends more time indoors
with me...OK, all of us.

What are you doing this time changing weekend?
Make sure to include  FUN!

Monday 5 March 2018

Cool and Windy Weekend with Georgia

Georgia: When you have a cool and windy weekend, 
snoozing with your brother is a pretty good idea.
Well, snoozing in general is a good idea. Hee,hee!

JJ did get a case of the munchies so he decided he should
finish breakfast.

Over the weekend we had this pretty Mallard duck.

He discovered that there were seeds and cracked corn in our yard.
 He was pretty happy.

This kitty was not happy!

Pop over to House Panthers.
You can find out why Julie was not happy !
She also has links to show how stormy the ocean was too!

Friday 2 March 2018

Finally Friday !

Georgia: Well it's Friday and mum is happy.
She said it was a long week. That is silly as there are 
were the same number of working days as usual.
Oh well, I guess that must be a human thing.
Anyway, I am happy it is the weekend and I look
forward to mum time.

JJ: I am also looking forward to this weekend.
I love attention and treats and will do my darndest to get
lots of both! I'm pretty sure that will not be too hard either. MOL!

Julie: Mum says it might be rainy with some flurries on Saturday.

She did say that Sunday will be the same temperature (5C )
but should be sunny !
Guess you all know where and what I will be doing!!!

When we last had some snow, the ducks dropped by for some seeds.

They have some pretty nest footprints.

They run around a lot too !

We purr your weekend is full of FUN!!!
Any special plans? it is Dr Seuss Day too, we present...