Friday 29 June 2018

Canada Day Long Weekend!

Georgia: Oh hi!
So guess what?
It is Friday and it's a long weekend!
That means an extra mum day... woohoo!
It is a long weekend because on July 1st it is 
Canada's  151st Birthday!!

That is great, but we cats are looking forward to more 
scritches,brushings,treats and porch and mum time.

 JJ: That's right Georgia!
I also look forward to cuddle time with mum.

Julie:  I love anytime that mum is home.
She is my purrson because she rescued me.
I love spending time with mum.

Well, I also like the porch... a lot!
It is even better when mum is home because that is
when I am allowed on the porch. MOL!

We wish our fellow Canadians a 
 Happy Canada Day !

We purr our fellow Canadians and all our friends
have a FUN  weekend!!

Monday 25 June 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I was on the porch this weekend and as you can see, 
I had a brushing session. 

Oh how I love getting brushed.

Oh yeah!
That feels really goooood!!

This is my bliss face!

JJ was also on the porch.

He likes the sun and heat on the porch.
He says it feels good on his old bones.

He had company too.
That should come as no surprise.
We all know Julie loves the porch!

Want to see how much Julie loves the porch?

Click the red link.

Sunday 24 June 2018

World Cat Domination Day!

Happy World Cat Domination Day!

In pretty much every home there is a cat. Maybe more!
We are all over the internet!
We are pretty much everywhere!

That is why it is so good to celebrate.

Want to celebrate?
Pop over to Summer's place and join the party !!!

Friday 22 June 2018

Friday Close Ups-Cats,Critters and a Monster!

Georgia: Happy Friday friends!
Another week has passed, but it did bring Summer
as of June 21st!
We purr that we will get summer temps too.
The mornings and evenings are still cool.
At any rate, we are happy for this weekend  
as we like having mum home for 2 days!
We present to you some close ups.
This is mine.


Julie  (on the porch naturally)

Mr Groundhog (saying something  to mum like"go away")

This young deer was  near the woodsy side of our place.

Mr Monster!!

Mum is scared and fascinated by these Fishing Spiders.
They are similar to Wolf Spiders but hang out
near water. There is a river  somewhat close to us,
but we think this guy is lost.

He is on the other side of the screen and you can see
 mum's forefinger and thumb.
Mum is not used to seeing spiders this big.
City spiders are generally smaller and we live just outside Halifax.

We purr you have interesting critters where you live
and that none are too scary.

Wishing you all a FUN weekend.

Monday 18 June 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I was sitting on the back of this chair and 
mum took my picture. She said I had a nice profile.
I think I look good from any angle.

We enjoyed our weekend and it was quiet.
Mum did lots of reading and cleaning.
JJ and Julie enjoyed some porch time too.

Julie was feeling lazy on Sunday and wanted  a snooze.

Julie did not really want to be disturbed so she 
looked at the camera and them mum went away.

On Critter TV,  we saw Chippy Chipmunk 
hanging off the birdfeeder,

and then Earl the Squirrel sitting on top of this tree.

We also saw the usual assortment of birds.
It was a quiet weekend, but we enjoyed it 
because mum was home.
We purr you all had a good weekend too.

Friday 15 June 2018

Cats and Critters

Georgia: Gee, another Friday is here!
I am happy because mum will be home for the next 2 days.

JJ: I am happy that because the days are longer mum
can spend more time taking pictures of the critters
that come into our yard. That means she leaves me alone.

Julie: I am happy the weekend is hear as I love to sit in mum's
lap when she reads and she reads a lot.
It also means way more porch time !

Here are some of the critters mum saw.
Some pics are not too good as the windows have
not had their outside cleaning and she had to shoot into
the sun ,especially with the groundhog.
They are very nervous critters and run off id they see mum
in the window. Mr Raccoon...not so much.
there is only 1 bird.

Chippy Chipmunk and Crow

Young Groundhog

Rocky Raccoon being bothered by flies.
We say better him than us!

*$#@*! flies

I hope those flies are gone!

Humph! I need a rest.

Young groundhog.
Mum tried to fix the pic so you can see him better.

Mum has seen only 2 young ones and the mum this 
year. Last year she saw 5 young ones.

What do you see from your windows?
We hope you enjoy any view you have and in the process 
you have FUN !

Monday 11 June 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I like sitting here and looking out of
the window. The nice breezes are pretty good too.

I hang out in the computer room a lot because mum
spends a fair amount of time here.
She also gives me lots of scritches and I love that.

As it is finally getting warmer, JJ likes to hang out
on the porch. He loves the couch out there.
It is a good place to sleep he says.

He is hoping mum is bringing him a snack.
She will bring him his supper if he is still there
at suppertime.

Julie was on the porch too.
She had a small,unhappy episode on 
Saturday, but she is OK.

To see what happened to Julie,
pop over to

Click the red link.

Friday 8 June 2018

Finally Friday!

Georgia: We are happy that Friday is here again.
It was a busy week for mum and we look forward
to getting more attention than this past week.
She says she is ready to enjoy our company too.
Even the weather will be warmer.
We are keeping it simple today with some close ups.
Here is mine.



Mum had to include this thrift store find.
It is a gallery wrapped funky painting of three cats.
Mum liked it's whimsey.

Also our friend Summer and her purrson made
this badge to remind humans(and us) that 
June 24 is World Cat Domination Day!

Click the RED link.

Finally, be sure to have  a FUN weekend !!!

Monday 4 June 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Mums are not always nice when they take our pictures
I mean, here I am having a bath and she takes this pic!
Not very nice,right?

Needless to say I did not want to look at the 

I finally did a bit as I know my friends
like to see me.
I'm still a little embarrassed though.

JJ really enjoyed the sunshine we had on Sunday.
It was pretty windy though
Saturday was rainy.

Julie joined JJ  for some serious sun worshipping.
Sun on our furs feels so nice.

Mum noticed some guests outside.
A mama duck and her ducklings.
She could not bet a very good picture of them .

Here they are on their way back to the river 
which feeds into a lake.

Look who mum found on the porch!!!!!!!!
Earl: Um lady, do you have more seeds?
Mum told him to go outside before a certain cat (Julie)
sees him.

Want to see Julie's weekend?
Pop over to see her at
Click the RED link.

(No squirrels were injured  by mums or cats)