Sunday 31 May 2009

Easy Like Sunday

Georgia : This sun spot....

is mine!!

Tillie: I like snoozing under this mat


Mickey: Your chair is very cozy Mom.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Photo Hunt - BOOK

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : BOOK

Now,I must admit I do not read.

Mom does,and she likes this BOOK

It is about a library cat.

His name is Dewey. He is very cute too.

That's not surprising as I think all cats are cute!!!!

On Wednesday, Mom & Mrs Quilter went to the airport.

Their Mom (Grammie) was flying Glasgow,Scotland.

She will be visiting her sisters and brother.

Here is her plane leaving the terminal.

Waving goodbye!!

The pilot is a pretty good driver.

Almost at the runway.

All set!!!

Ready , set , ...Bon Voyage Grammie!!!!!!!!!

Friday 29 May 2009

Friday Close Ups

YAY!!! We are finally posting!!!!!!
We tried last night and could not post.
Mom does not have time in the mornings to post.
This picture shows what Mom got when she
tried to post. This was with Mozilla Firefox.
Now,Mom tried IE, and here we are!!
Does anycat know why this is happening???
We cleaned the cache & cookies.

Now,for our close ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday 27 May 2009

Dennis in My Town

Mom said that she saw "Dennis" in town one day.
I was surprised as Dennis does not live near here at all!!

Dennis lives in Nyack,New York
How could he be here?

Mom saw this building

See what it says!
Dennis may not be here ,
but Dennis the building is!

Guess who came back?
Yup,the Seajacks Kracken.
Guess they still need to do more sea trials.
It is a new vessel,built in Dubai.

I guess Seajacks wanted to keep Rowan Gorilla company

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Thoughts on Tuesday

I like to sit on my box on the porch.
I also like to sniff everything,

I also like to look around at everything.

I just don't want to miss anything
that might be going on around me.

Monday 25 May 2009

Mancat Monday,Miss Peach & Award

Hello friends!!
On this Mancat Monday, I am going to tell you
that my Sweetie Pie Miss Peach has something
exciting happening on her blog!!

Please drop by Miss Peach's blog for details!!
You will not be disappointed :)

A long, long time ago,my friend Huffle Mawson
gave me this award!!!!!!!!!!

Here are the rules attached to this award:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions & Your Answers:

1. The person who tagged you: Huffle
2. His/her site’s title and url: Huffle Mawson
3. Date when you were tagged: May11, 2009( see,a long,long time!)
4. Persons you tagged
I am passing this award to:

Sunday 24 May 2009

Sunday Momday

Today Mom is hijacking my blog!!!!!!
OK,I let her do a post of her own.
Yesterday,she picked me some grass.
OK Mom, over to you!

Thanks Mickey.
When I go to work in the mornings,
I often take the ferry across Halifax harbour.
There are many interesting things to see.
Recently we have had an interesting visitor,
the Seajacks Kracken
This liftboat arrived near the end of April,
and stayed a few weeks to have some work done.

On foggy days, the uppermost parts disappear into the mist.

This rig will be providing accommodation
for people working on oil rigs

You can see the windows of the bridge.

This rig can sail by itself.

The work is done and the boat is lowered to the water.
It is getting ready to depart soon.

On May 20,another rig came into port.
It is the Rowan Gorilla III.
It will be heading to the Deep Panuke oil fields
located near Sable Island.

They seem to have brought warm weather with them.

Tugboats are around the Seajacks Kracken.
That means it is ready to leave port.

It departed May 22 and is on it's way
to the oil fields off Sable Island.

Bon Voyage!

Saturday 23 May 2009

Happy Birthday to ML

Today we are helping to celebrate
a very special birthday.

It is for the wonderful ML !!!!!!!!!!!

We hope you have a super fun day too !!!!!!!!!!



Friday 22 May 2009

Three Cheers & Close Ups

Today we are honouring a mighty fine bean.
It is Gandalf & Grayson's Mom Barb!!
She took in a stray kitty,Whitey, that was hurt and fixed him up!
Now, he is recovering and rewarding her with purrs.
We are rewarding Barb with purrs too... and CHEERS!!
Hip,Hip Hooray!! Hip,Hip Hooray!! Hip,Hip Hooray!!

Now, we present ...Close Ups!!!




Thursday 21 May 2009

Enjoying the day

Mom says it is supposed to be HOT today.
I like baking my furs in the sun.
Hope it does not get too hot!!

I just might stay in the shade a little bit!
I can still feel heat from here.

I think I will spend the day on Mom's chair!!!
If only I could get the 'puter to work for me.
If not,I'll just have a snooze!!