Friday 30 March 2012

Cozy Sleep Spot

During the Winter,Mom brings out this big sleeping bag.
She did it for our Mickey before he went to the Bridge.
He loved the bag as it was cozy and kept him warm.
Now, we like it too !!We like to crawl under it and have
a cozy, warm snooze!! Mmmmmmmm!


Yup!! I agree! It is a super place to snooze!
We hope you all have a favourite snoozy spot.
Tell us where it is !

Have a fun,cozy weekend too!!!!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Monday 26 March 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Doo,dee doo...

Oh Hi! I'm just walking around the kitchen
looking out the windows and things like...

WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is that?!!!

Sheesh! Just some dancing flowers Mom got
at the dollar store. They "dance" in the sun as
they have little solar panels.
It just startled me, heehee

Now I can relax. You just never know what Mom has 
around this place. I need to do inspections more often !!
Oh yeah, did you notice my paws??
I am a polydactyl kitty.I have extra toes front and back !

Tillie found a sunbeam and is sharing .
Pop over to House Panthers

Friday 23 March 2012

Friday Thoughts with Georgia and Tillie

Well guess what? Yesterday was sunny and HOT!!
It has been very warm pretty much all week!!
Yesterday it was 27 C!! That is 80.6 F!!
That temperature set new record highs for March!
The last record high in March was in 1979 and 
the temperature was 10 C or 50 F !!
Today it is still nice and sunny, but it is
13C.(55 F )

Yup, it is cooler today. Yesterday Mom was off, 
so she got together with Auntie and TallSon.

They went down to the waterfront in Halifax.

A tall ship was visiting. It is a training ship
and is called the Simon Bolivar

As you can see, it is pretty big!

Pretty long too! They went on board to have
a look around. They took pictures and Mom
will share some with you another day.
It was a busy week, so we did not get to visit
many of our friends. Mom said we can do  some
visiting on the weekend!!! Yay!!!

We hope you all have a super fun weekend too !!!!

Monday 19 March 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Oh boy!! Mom is home and I am SO happy!!
It was a sunny weekend and I spent time on the porch.
It was sunny and nice too.

Mmmmmmmmm, this looks like a nice place to relax

But then, I think I'll keep an eye on Mom.
I just want to be sure she does not sneak out again.
I like it when Mom is home. I feel happier.
purr, purr, purr

Tillie is happy Mom is home too.
See her at House Panthers !

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Great News !!!!

Guess what???? Mom told us great news!
The bus strike is over!!!!!!!!!
Mom said the union voted to accept last night,
and service should be running by Friday!!
AND...the bus is FREE for the rest of this month!
We are happy Mom will be back here !
Mom is happy too!!!
WooHoo !!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 12 March 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

We had a fun weekend!!
Mom was home!!!!!!!!
We got to play on the porch too.
JJ was sunning his tummy.

I had a nice relaxing afternoon.
It was great.

It made me feel sleepy too.

I decided to come inside and have a nap in a cozy spot.
Yup, you guessed it!! On the sleeping bag!!!!!!

So comfy and warm.

Oh!! Pop over to House Panthers!!
Tillie will tell you about the excitement we
had on the porch this weekend!!!!!!!!!

PS: The bus strike is still on. Day 40

Sunday 11 March 2012

Mickey Moonshine-One Year Memory

1It was one year ago today that my dear 
Mickey the Black Cat went to
My friend Karla, Mom to the late,
sweet Miss Peach (Mickey's wife)
made this beautiful  picture in memory
of my Mickey Moonshine.

I was captivated by this figurine my
Mother gave to me.It was a perfect 
fit for calling Mickey, "Mickey Moonshine"

This is one of my favourite pictures of Mickey.
He was such a handsome Mancat!

This is one of the earliest pictures of Mickey
when we started this blog, in August 2007.
It is hard to do a memorial and decide what things 
to  say and include.It is easy to get carried away 
with all the wonderful memories spanning 17 years,
but I decided to focus on some of Mickey's
favourite things.

First and foremost,Mickey loved grass!!!!

As soon as the grass started growing, he
demanded I bring him some every time
I came inside! He could never get enough.

Mickey also loved windows! No matter
where we lived, he had to be near a 

There was always so much to see and he loved to 
watch for Mom!!

Mickey could not get enough brushing either!
When I started to brush my hair,he felt it was time 
for me to brush him as well!! He would always purr
 and never wanted me to stop.

In December 2010,I let Mickey outside as it
was a warm day.I believe this was one of his 
happiest times! He got to walk on and enjoy his 
beloved grass!! He was SO happy!!!

In October of 2007, Mickey started courting Miss Peach.

On Valentine's Day 2009,Mickey proposed to Miss Peach.
She said "Yes" !

 A happy Halloween day!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Miss Peach crossed the Rainbow Bridge 
this past August.
Now,Mickey Moonshine and his Sunshine Wife
are together forever !!

Mickey also loved his family. While he was an only cat for 
many years, he accepted the addition of other kitties.
As he got older,he had a room to himself where he could sleep
and get away from the younger,boisterous kitties.

Mickey was a happy boy and a pleasure to have in my life.

Mickey will always be with me.
He will be in my heart forever!!!

Until we meet again,
Goodnight sweet prince!!!


Monday 5 March 2012

Monday Musings with Georgia

Just having a little relaxing time on the floor.

Mom was here to see us,but did not stay long.
Mom and her sister went to the valley to see
their Mom and another sister.

We did get lots of scritches and hugs
but it's not as good as having Mom home all the time.
All transit talks have broken down,
so we are back to square one!!
So, on day 33 of the bus strike,there
is no end in sight!!!
We are not happy.Neither is Mom.
We will post and visit as we can.
Hope you all have a good week!!

Pop over to House Panthers 
and say Hi to Tillie !