Monday 28 August 2017

Mum Forgot Our 10th Blogoversary !

Can you believe that mum forgot our 10th Blogoversary?!
It is a milestone...right?
She had a busy week...phffffft!
Too busy reading books...phffffffftttttt!
Lazy? Oh a winner!

In any event,mum forgot our milestone post.
On August 24,2017 we celebrated our 10th Blogoversary!
We have met so many cool people,cats,woofies,fish sand other critters.
So many friends have come and gone for so many reasons.
We have enjoyed this amazing journey and we look forward to
continuing on this journey!
We want to thank all of our friends we have met along the way
and we welcome newcomers too!

This is Mickey. (1997-2011)
He was the blog founder and this was the very first picture
we posted.

This was our 5th Blogoversary picture.
Sadly Tillie,Tiger and Treasure have crossed the Bridge.

Here we are, JJ, Julie and Georgia the current bloggers.

Now, all we have to do is get mum's nose out of her books
so she she can help us blog and visit our friends.
We also hope she will look at a calendar more !

What did Julie do this weekend?
She was hanging out with JJ.
See them at House Panthers.

Clock the RED link

Friday 25 August 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, another week has passed and the weekend is here.
Mum is happy as she said it was a busy week and she is looking
forward to some kitty therapy.
We kitties are experts in the art of relaxing,embracing calmness
and restoring our bodies and mind to welcome a new day and a new week.
Humans need to be more like cats.
It will be sunny all weekend here and we are looking forward to 
doing the relaxing on the porch.

JJ is certainly ready to relax.

Julie is already embracing the calm.

Julie: Yup! I am relaxed.
Hey mum, how about a treat?

Oh well!
Some cats can only relax for so long 😏

We purr you and your humans can relax this weekend.
Don't forget to have  FUN !

Monday 21 August 2017

We Had a Lazy Weekend

Georgia: We had a lazy weekend here as it was really rainy
on Saturday.
Mum did lots of reading and we did lots of snoozing.
I did,however, pose for mum as I was
laying on the arms of the chairs.

I like sitting on the arms because mum often sits here 
when she reads and I get scritches.

JJ was content to snooze the weekend away.

When the sun came out on Sunday it got warm
You know Julie was on the porch!
It was a purrfect place for her bath.

To see more of Julie and her bath,
pop over to House Panthers.

Click the red link.

Friday 18 August 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: We are happy the weekend is here.
We are not happy that it is raining for the second
straight weekend! It was sunny all week !
The only good thing is that mum will be indoors more.
maybe that is a bonus.

JJ: That's right Georgia. I like having mum around as I get
lots of scritches. What I don't like is her working on some of the
 matts  in my furs! She has removed some big ones and I must
admit, I feel better.
Don't tell her I said that!

Julie: I also like the sun!
It feels so good on panther furs.

Since we will not have sun this weekend, I look forward to
mum reading.
I really like snoozing in her lap!
Good thing she has lots of books and loves reading.
Housework? Not likely. Reading wins out most times.
That works for me!

What do you like about weekends?

Whatever it is, we wish your weekend to be

Monday 14 August 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia:  On a rainy weekend, I like to snooze,especially when
mum is busy doing  things like laundry,tidying up ,
computer stuff and reading.
Mum was going to wash this sleeping bag and had tossed
it on this chair. I found it and it was comfy,so I
claimed it for a snooze.
Mum will have to wash it later.

JJ and Julie found comfy spots on the porch.
There was not much to see outside due to the rain.
A few squirrels and birds were around, but they decided to
snooze instead. I don't blame them.
Julie is looking at mum and asking if she will be 
reading her book soon.
Julie loves to snooze on mum's lap when mum reads.
Mum told her she will read after lunch.

So, what did you do this weekend ?

To see more Julie, click the link and go over to

Friday 11 August 2017

Finally Friday !

Julie: It's Friday! That means weekend.Oh boy!
Next to the  weekend and the porch, I love treats.
I am hoping if I just lay here in the kitchen mum
will feel sorry for me and realize I have fainted due to lack of treats.

JJ: Huh? Did I hear somecat say treats??

Georgia: Gee, I like treats too.

Oh! Did you mean treats now?
Bring them on !!

We purr you all get treats,scritches or plenty of time with your
purrson this weekend.
Remember... have  FUN !

By the way, we got treats!

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Julie 0n Tuesday

Julie: Oh boy! I am SO happy!
Mom abandoned us on Sunday.
She said she was going to her nephew's wedding.
She was gone for years and we were sure we were 
going to starve!!
Monday she came home  at suppertime.
We got food!!!!!!!!!
I even got to get on the porch!
Oh yes! I am a happy cat!

No mum, I am not exaggerating!

Friday 4 August 2017

Finally Friday !

JJ: Weekends are great as we get to go on the porch
almost any time of the day. That's because mum is home.
I think I will head out now.

The nice thing about Summer is that the porch is warm.
I like that and I look forward to it.

Yay weekend!
Let's get this weekend started!

Julie: Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
I like it warm too. Heat really makes you feel so

Oh yes, I love the porch! 

Georgia: Yes I know the porch is warm and cozy.
I like that, but I also like this blanket.
It is also comfy and the best part?
It's Julie free!

Wherever you choose to spend your weekend,
just be sure to have  FUN!!