Thursday 31 July 2008

T13- TT Girl and Fatty

Just about two years ago TT Girl was in the parking lot of a mall when her Mom discovered her and took her to what would become her forever home.
Yesterday, she went to the Rainbow Bridge because she was so sick.
As we go on our journey through life,we meet cats , humans or other creatures that leave a huge impression on us. TT Girl made an impression on me and I was proud to call her my friend.
This T13 is dedicated to her and the wonderful life her Mom gave her.


Warm,cozy places to sleep.

Always warm and safe.

Plenty of catnip!!!

Nice sunny windows to sit in.

A chair to sit on and groom herself.

It was her favourite place to be, (next to her Mom)

She loved belly rubs from Mom.

Lots of together time with Mom too .

Plenty of scritches.

Plenty of pats.

Safe from the outside world.

In the loving arms of her Mom.

Bonus Pic: Fatty

Fatty was a stray cat that lived outdoors near TT's home.
TT's Mom (and another neighbour) looked after her.
Sometimes,she even came into TT's home.
Fatty was recently diagnosed with FIV and was very sick and losing weight.
So that she would not suffer, Fatty went to the Rainbow Bridge last week.
Fatty also knew love and was spoiled too.
She had her own snuggle blanket , plenty of good food,catnip and companionship.

Fatty on her snuggle.

Fatty enjoying her life.

Until we meet again,my friends, at Rainbow Bridge

Light a candle for TT Girl

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Wordy Wednesday

We're just hanging out on the porch.

We're watching the fun.

Between Earl,

and Miss Chick A Dee, over the feeder.

Meanwhile,in another room......

Mom,why is this screen here?!!

Why are you out there!!!! I want out!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 29 July 2008

Makeover Meme

Ariel and her Mom came up with a brand new meme.
It's called The Makeover Meme

Okay here are the rules....
Pick an identity of someone or something you like to be.
Then photo shop yourself in the identity you picked
and explain why you picked this identity.
When you do this meme,be sure to let Ariel know!

Tillie: I am a cook. I chose this identity so I can make all kinds of tastey food for my friends.

Georgia: I am a chauffer. I chose this identity so I can take all my friends on fun trips!!

Mickey: I am the grassman. I chose this identity because I want a constant source of tastey grass!! There is plenty for my friends to eat or roll around on .

This is an open meme. Everyone can play.

Monday 28 July 2008

Mancat Monday

Once again, I am Mom's model as she plays with pictures.

I don't mind, because I get rewarded.

Hurry up with that grass Mom!!!!

Sunday 27 July 2008

Sunday Meme

We were tagged by TT, Molly & Shadow for the
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours, meme.
We thought we would do 3 each :)

1. Anytime Mom coos at Georgia, she runs and jumps up on her table

for scritches or brushes.

2. Georgia drinks her water and licks the rim of the dish.

3. Sometimes, Georgia will snooze in the PTU!

1. If Mom is outside on the back deck,

Mickey screams at her because he wants out.

2. Mickey likes to attack moths that lnd on the screens.

3. Mickey wants to help Mom when she opens something wrapped in plastic.

Tillie (by Zoolatry)

1. When Mom is getting our meals ready,Tillie runs back & forth mewing.

2. Tillie likes to get into the cupboard withthe plastic containers.

3. Tillie likes to sleep on top of the fridge.

We tag any kitty that would like to do this meme.

Just let us know,so we can see your quirks !!

Saturday 26 July 2008

Photo Hunt - Hanging

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : HANGING

Tillie is HANGING around on top of a cabinet.

What are you doing down there Mom?

Georgia is HANGING around too.

What's up?

Mickey is HANGING around in a comfy spot!!


Friday 25 July 2008

Close Up Friday



Mickey, haha,you can't see me!

Come on Mickey ,open your eyes!!!


Thursday 24 July 2008

T13-Expressive Cat-Couples 2

Gee!!! There are lots of couples in the Cat Blogosphere!!!!!!!
Here is another lovely group!!

Skittles & Sly

Dr Tweety & Mini

Queen Snickers & Jake

Sam & Missy

Setzer & Pinki

Eric & Rosie

Grr & Flynn

Miles & Sanjee

Mr Tigger & Trixie

Auntie Stinkie & Bounce

Dante & Pearl

Delilah & Angus

Earl Grey & Dorydoo

Bonus: The Couple that had the Blogosphere following across the USA

on the famous Road Trip !!!

Luxor & Lucky

Did you miss Couples #1? See it HERE!!!