Saturday 31 January 2009

Photo Hunt - FURRY

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : FURRY

Tillie's face if extra FURRY!!

Lots of stray furs,heehee

Tillie's blanket is very FURRY.

Georgia's blanket is FURRY

That black blanket on me is Mom's

It is FURRY too. Some of the furs are hers!!!!!

Hey Mom, how come there are some white hairs here? heeheehee

Friday 30 January 2009

Friday Close Ups and Faerie Dust

It's almost the weekend!!
Time for a face load of cute!!!

The other morning it was sunny
and there were teeny snowflakes.
The sun shining through them makes
them twinkle like faerie dust!

Tuesday 27 January 2009

The Sunshine Girls

Early morning sun on the porch.

Hi Tillie

Early morning sun in the kitchen.

The cold snow is outside!

Hi Georgia

Monday 26 January 2009

Mancat Monday

I'm just hanging out with Mom.

Why yes I am standing on the calendar!
What date did you want to know about?

I am a helpful Mancat too!!!!

Sunday 25 January 2009

Easy Like Sunday

We had some sun today.
It was nice on the porch.
Then later, it got cold.
No worries though, we just finished our naps in the house!



Mickey ( in the kitchen where it was warmer)


Saturday 24 January 2009

Photo Hunt - Chipped

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : CHIPPED

This bowl is CHIPPED.

When Mom eats these, she will be CHIPPED!!


Well!!! I looked....

and looked really hard!!!

I did not find any chips though!!!

Mom!! Are you gonna share ?

Friday 23 January 2009

Close Up Friday

Oh !!!! Mom and that flashy box!!!!!
Must be close up time!




Thursday 22 January 2009

Thankful Thursday


Oh!!!!! I am thankful that the sun came out!!!

I am thankful this porch is warm and sunny!!

Georgia :
Huh? Oh yeah!!!
I am thankful for the sun on my furs!!!
I am also thankful that extreme cold is gone!

Tuesday 20 January 2009

My Wet Shiney World

Well,the super cold is gone!
Sunday we had blowing snow,then it rained!!!
Monday,it was still raining.
You can see the rain on the window.
You can see Georgia too.

This is the road we live on. It is a private road .
There are only 4 houses on this road.
When it rained,it washed away the new snow.
leaving the old hard snow behind.

The rain 'polished' the snow and made it wet and icy!!
This is what people had to contend with today.
Needless to say there were lots of accidents!!!

You can see the water on the road.
Tonight it will be cold and this will freeze.
I think Mom will need spikes in her boots!!!
You can see the reflection of the trees!!

The rain killed my snowbean!

One year ago today , our friend Caesar went to the Bridge.
He was 16 3/4 years old.
He was a pawsome Mancat with a zest for life!!!
He also had a zest for cottage cheese.
That is how we remember him.
Drop by and give his family some hugs.

We miss you buddy!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 19 January 2009

Mancat Monday

It was cold again this weekend.
Mom decided it was a weekend to watch movies.
So, I did some of this...

and some of this.

This is snow that was blown onto the window.

It's melting a bit .

It's hard to show that it is windy and the snow is blowing sideways !!
The good news is that it is getting warmer!!!!!
Our freezing weather is gone, it might even rain tomorrow.

Oh well, back to my snoozing!!!

Saturday 17 January 2009

Photo Hunt - Hat(s)

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : HAT(S)

As a rule,I do not wear a HAT.
Mom pulled a fast one on me last year.
I was waking up and BAM!!!! This HAT was on my head!!!
That was pretty sneaky!

Mom did find a place to put a HAT though...
the snowbean did not argue!

Now it is so cold outside I think that HAT is frozen on his head!

Friday 16 January 2009

Friday Close Ups

Today, really up close and in 'yer eye!!



Mickey (with his eyes open,heehee)