Wednesday 30 April 2008

Getting Ready for a Party!

WE are trying out our finery!!

Tillie has a fine straw hat and flowers.

Georgia is wearing fev-vers!

I have my top hat and black tie. Why, you ask?

Because it's Gretchen's 4th Birthday tomorrow ,May 1st!!!!!!!

Go on over and get your party hats!!

For more fun, Auntie Stinkie is having a Sweet 16th Birthday

Thursday,May 1 st too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW, 16 years young !!!!

Go on over to Dr. Tweety's place and party some more!!!!!!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Finding Miss Peach

My Sweetie Miss Peach found a way to go to Maui with her Mom and Lapdaddy . I did not get a chance to see her before she left and I felt miserable. I had to go see her.

She told me about Angus Mhor. His beans were going away too. He explained about how he got to go by getting Transmorgified ! I thought about this and checked with Mom. She said OK,woot!! After learning the details, I got my likeness , glambed it up a tad and set out to find her!

What do ya think ? Heehee.

I think this super resort is a great place to start looking!

Hmmmmmmmmmm,I do not see her on the beach.

I do not see her on this enchanting patio and pool area.

I searched all day into the night.

I only made a stop to fill up on some premo grass, Yum!!!!!!!!

With an early start I searched again. Look!!!!! I see her on the beach!!!!!!!!

What a joyous reunion we had.We went back to the resort and enjoyed time at the pool.

We spent some time on the beach too!! We had a great time. I had to leave before she did. I will be looking forward to seeing her when she comes back! What an awesome time I had!!!!!

A perfect end to a perfect day!!

Monday 28 April 2008

Mancat Monday

Ah,Mancat Monday!!
To keep my reflexes sharp, I engage in a bit of play with Mom.

As you can see by this strap,I don't miss too often! Heh,heh,heh!!

My paws are still fast!!

Must keep an eye on that strap! It might try to escape,heehee

Sunday 27 April 2008

Easy Like Sunday

Sundays are a great day to relax!

Peek-a-Boo Georgia


Saturday 26 April 2008

Photo Hunt- Unique/Funny Signs

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : UNIQUE / FUNNY SIGNS

This pic is kinda funny, because I see all kinds of cut up trees ! Heehee

SIGN of Spring!!? This was Friday morning.

Sprouting and snow !!

Daffodil in snow!

By afternoon, all was back to 'normal'.

No SIGN of snow .

Looking more Springlike.

Grass !!!!! Now that's my SIGN of Spring !!

Friday 25 April 2008

Friday Memeday

I was tagged by Pretty Princess
and the the lovely Alexi
for the Six Word memoir.
I will share this with my sisfurs too.

Here are the rules:

1) Write your own six word memoir.

2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.

3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.

4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.

5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

6) Have fun!!

Tillie : Life's grand when Mom spoiles you!

Georgia : Getting brushed and Mom's cheek scritches!

Thanks to our friends at Zoolatry for my 'Word' picture

Mickey: Grass,grass, pick me some Mom!


I will tag Roxy & Lucky and Simba
and TT (and her siblings if they want to play)

Thursday 24 April 2008

T13- #29-Gingers 2

Expressive Cats ,the Gingers revisited!!!!
One thing that is so great about the Blogosphere is the fact that there are SO many different colours of cats!!! These are not all of the Gingers either!!! Enjoy!


Seville Squillion & Bill


Bonus Pics: My doggie friends. They are "Ginger" coloured enough for me :)

Simba,who I met through JB.