Friday 30 April 2010

Friday Close Ups

Guess what?? It's Friday!!!!!!
That means close ups.



Mickey (who does not always like to pose)

We have had sun and rain!!
In between showers, Mom took this picture.
It is a pretty flower.The shiny leaves belong to a plant
used for ground cover.It's called Vinca

This is an old fashioned daffodil.

This is a newer one.

This one is so pretty! Mom likes it a lot.
Maybe it's because flowers do not mind posing!!!!!!

Monday 26 April 2010

Midnight Monday

Ooooooooo!!!! Look at that nice sunshine outside!
Look at that grass growing!!
Mickey & I would love some grass.

Oh hi!!!! It's me Tillie.
I'm sitting in the porch enjoying the sun!
I love to look outside and see birds and squirrels.
I also like to see the grass. Mickey told me how tasty it is.
Now, I love it too!!!

This sun is wonderful to lay in and enjoy!!

It also makes you feel a bit sleepy.

Oh!!! About Earl... he does not live indoors with us(we hope)
He and his many clones run around outside and
provide us with lots of entertainment!!!!
I sure would love to get outdoors and chase him though!!!!!!

Friday 23 April 2010

Friday Close Ups

Oh boy!!!! It's sunny and warm!!!
What a way to start the weekend.
We don't mind posing on days like this...well almost, heehee








Monday 19 April 2010

Mancat Monday

Hi friends!!!!! It was pretty cool this weekend.
As you can see, I did not venture far from my heaty pad!
Mom and Mrs Quilter(Mom's sister) were here and we all had fun.
Mrs Quilter's computer is not working. Her hubby is fixing it.
They are happy the hard drive still has a warranty :)
Sunday afternoon, it started to rain. It quickly changed to showshowers.

This picture is not very good. Mom did not want to go outside!
There is a Mourning dove out in the snow!!! Silly bird.
You cannot see the snowflakes in this pic.
They were BIG. Mom says that means we will not get much snow.
It is also raining today!!!

Here is a short movie so you can see our snow showers.
Now, I'll head back to my nice ,warm heaty pad!!!!!!!!!

Friday 16 April 2010

Friday Close Ups

Today we have our pawsome close ups and...
a very,very scary close up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will start with the pawsome ones! Us!!


Tillie(window gazing)

Mickey(with leopard)

The other morning Mom got up and went to the kitchen.
She was filling the kettle and looked up at the kitchen window.
She about dropped the kettle!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why.




Especially BIG ones



Did that give ya goosebumps????????

Monday 12 April 2010

Mancat Monday

This past weekend was quite nice.
It was cool on Saturday, and warmer on Sunday.
Mom was busy doing Mom stuff.
I did some of this...

and some of this...(Mom would NOT let me out)

and plenty of this!!!!
Ah,the life of a genlteMancat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope your weekend was good too!

Friday 9 April 2010

Friday Close Ups

We have been having a very nice Spring.
Not only has it been sunny, it has been warm!!
This is unusual for us,and we don't mind.
It was so sunny, we are all backlit by sunlight.
Well,except Tiger. She did not play along with Mom.







Monday 5 April 2010

Mancat Monday

Oh boy!!! I think Spring is here to stay!
It was nice this weekend and it is nice today.
Sunshine and warm temperatures...mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Gee, I feel kinda sleepy now.

JoyJoy and Treasure are the other Mancats that live here.
They are enjoying the sun on the porch too!!!!

Look!!!!!!! It's making them sleepy too!!


Friday 2 April 2010

Close Up Friday

Well!!!! Mom was so busy today she forgot to help us do our post!
But as she says, better late than never!
We hope you all enjoy Good Friday.


