Friday 31 July 2020

Finally Friday!

Georgia: I get the feeling somebody's 
watching me!

Oh! It's you mum.

Julie: After eating it is important to wash
your face.

                                            After all, you may have missed a crumb  or two!!!

Here's hoping you get lots of tasty crumbs and more this weekend!!!
Above all...have FUN !!!!!

Monday 27 July 2020

A Weekend on the Porch

 Georgia: We had a pretty nice weekend.
       It was hot and muggy .

I enjoyed my time on the porch.
I do not get around as much anymore.
At 17, I am slowing down.
I did like the window breezes though.

Julie: I like looking out the window.
Today I wish I could get outside.
Want to know why?

Because I would really like to chase those ducks!!!


Know what else I saw outside?

This big thunder shower!!!
It was pouring and there were boomies and rumbles!
Yet across the lake, there were blue skies!

You might be able to see the rain if you biggify the picture.
The storm did not last long and then the sun came back. 

All in all, it was a good weekend except that 
Mum's vacation is over. Dang!!!!!!
Now I don't get belly rubs all day!!

Friday 24 July 2020

Cats and Critters

Thursday was a crazy day. It was overcast, then there would be
a short down pouring of rain, then it would stop.
It kept this up for a while then stopped and
remained cloudy.
 We did see some interesting critters  this week
though. We are sharing then with you and we apologize 
We did not take the pictures.
Mum did!

There are 8 ducks in this picture.
Mum remembers when these ducks were little ducklings.
They still come over for eats with mum and dad.
Sometimes just with mum.

Ducks and a mourning dove.

This is the first time we have seen Chippy the Chipmunk 
this Summer.
Mum was pretty happy to see him as there 
are lots of squirrels around here.

This bird is saying "this feeder is mine!"
At least his body language says that!

Here we are on the porch getting some
window wiffies.

Summertime is FUN!
We like mum on vacation too!


Julie cleaning her toes!

What interesting things have you seen this Summer!
Hope it was FUN !

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Lazy Days of Summer

Georgia: Hi friends. I'm having a nice relaxing day.
It is pretty hot today and mum is going to visit
her sister . She just moved here from Ontario and her 
quarantine is over. Mum says it is nice having all the siblings
living in the same province again.
They will be having a BBQ and they will be HOT!!
Mum's sister lives in the valley and we live close to Halifax.
I will be very comfy here.

Julie: What do you mean you're leaving me?!!!!!!!
You need to be here to give me belly rubs!!
I don't like being abandoned!!!!.

Mum: Oh Julie! The drama!
It will be like me going to work.
I'll be back later tonight.

Julie: Thank goodness!
Guess I won't starve either!!

(Mum quietly: As if!!)

Groundhog: Gee, I like when the lady goes away for the day.
 I can enjoy some peace and quiet and eat lots of greens.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! nom-nom-nom! 

Friday 17 July 2020

Super Friday!

Hey look what we saw this week!!
We saw a red finch.They do not visit often.

The red finch is sharing the feeder with
a yellow finch. We see the yellow finch most often.
While it was neat to see these birds, we had
to do it from inside as we are not allowed out.

Georgia is enjoying some treats in her room.
She is not eating well, but she is eating some.
Mum is watching her carefully.

Julie: Darn! Mum caught me with the camera.
Should I look?

Well, I am sure you want to see my face in addition to my profile.
I guess that was not so bad.
Hey mum, could we go get some treats?
That would be FUN !!!!

Treats or no treats, we purr you all have a FUN weekend!!

Bet you wondered why we called it "Super Friday" right?
It's because mum is on VACATION!!!!!
Oh boy, just think of all the belly rubs for a week!!!!!!
Now that will be FUN!!!!

Monday 13 July 2020

Monday Musings

Georgia: Oh! Hello there!
Hope you are enjoying Monday morning.
I don't mind it at all since I get to relax and
enjoy myself all day.

Julie: Am I on candid camera?

I am! I am on candid camera!!!
How about that?
Hi everyone!

Friday 10 July 2020

Finally Friday!

Georgia: Mum wanted a picture.
She also wanted me to eat more of my dinner.
Sorry mum, maybe later.
(Mum says my appetite is not the best)
I do  love scritches though.

Julie: What did you want mum? I'm looking
out the window?

A pose? Oh! OK then!!
Here ya go!

We like the weekends and mum time.
Mum likes it too because of cat time.
That makes us all happy.
We look forward to FUN and wish you all lots of FUN
as well !!!!

Monday 6 July 2020

Monday Musings

Georgia:Sometimes I like to wander around the house.
 Mum thinks  I sleep too much. Hey, I'm a cat!
It's what we do. Besides, she is not home all day.

Mum, if you have anything tasty I may decide to eat it.
I promise I will at least consider eating it.
Mum thinks I am too skinny.
We try.

Julie: Unlike Georgia I love food!

Mum, what do you mean by "that's an understatement"?

Baby Groundhog: Gee!! I get the feeling some is watching me!

The fuzzy at the bottom is window frame.
These critters are super nervous.

Friday 3 July 2020

Finally Friday!

Georgia: We had lots of fun on Canada day and now we 
are looking forward to  more fun this weekend
as mum will be home again with us!!!
We love getting all that extra attention  and scritches!

Julie: Wide window sills! They are pawsome for having
your meals.
Supper by the setting sun. Nothing like it!
Not to mention the great views .

Do you think we are a bit spoiled?
We are and wouldn't have it any other way!
Besides, it's FUN!!
That's what we want to do this weekend...have FUN.
With mum home, we are sure it will happen.
WE purr you all are having FUN too!!!

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Happy Canada Day !!!!!

Happy Canada Day!!!
You are 153 years old and looking great!

Today we are celebrating Canada Day with mum.
We love having her home and she likes being home with us.

We wish Happy Canada Day to all of our fellow 