Saturday 31 December 2016

Happy New Year !

We wish all of our friends, including those we have not met yet
a very


May 2017 bring you happiness,
good health and peace !

Friday 30 December 2016

Finally Friday

Georgia: Here we are in happier times.
The sun was shining, the porch was warm and we were happy.

Last night and early this morning it was raining like crazy
 and the wind was howling!
Needless to say, we are not on the porch.
Mum is at work.
The sun is supposed to peek out later today and it will be
sunny on Saturday. However, the temps will not be as warm.
Still, we might make it on the porch.
We are looking forward to having mum home for 3 days.

We will be celebrating the arrival of a new year.
Good thing, this past year has not been very nice.
We lost a lot of good friends and the world lost some good people.

We look forward to ringing in the new year this weekend
That will mean lots of FUN.
WE love to have FUN!
We wish all of you a really FUN weekend!!!

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tuesday Thoughts with Georgia

Georgia:Well, Christmas is over for another year.
It was fun and we enjoyed the extra mum time.
When we were up Christmas morning, this is the
view we had. Bright sunshine!
As you can see, most of our snow has gone.
We had some snow and freezing rain overnight and 
now we will have rain.
Mum is back to work, so I have no pictures to show you.

I was on the porch for a while on Boxing Day.  
I can see JJ through the window.
He is sleeping, so he did not make it to the porch.

Bet you can guess who else made it to the porch.

Yup! The porch queen herself...Julie!

See more pictures of her at House Panthers.
Click the RED link.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Merry Christmas to All!

We wish all of our friends the happiest  day today
and all the days ahead!

Christmas !

Friday 23 December 2016

Finally Friday

Christmas weekend is here and we are excited!
We are having rain at present  but will have
some sunshine on Christmas Day.
We want to wish all of our friends

Monday 19 December 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Here I am posing nicely for the camera.
I am happy to say that I am feeling quite good too.
Mum said this is the last week before Christmas.
I cannot wait for Santa. I want him to bring treats.

JJ has been playing musical chairs with mum.
This is her computer chair and JJ likes it a lot.
I hope he remembers that Santa comes this weekend.
It won't matter though, Santa likes cats!

Here is one area decorated for Christmas.

Even Julie has been good.She stopped by to say Hi, but
did not try to chase me. Whew!
She can be a bit naughty like that sometimes.
I guess she is trying to be good .

You can see what she has been up to this past week.
Pop over to see her at House Panthers !

Click the red link.

Friday 16 December 2016

Happy Catnip Cats !

Georgia: Mum noticed that I did not eat supper and breakfast 
very well. Just a few licks then I turned away.
I ended up at the Vet!
Lucky me, it was not too bad of a visit.
She said I do have a fair bit of poop inside, 
but not nearly as bad as other times.
However, it is enough to put me off my food.
Mum will increase my laxative dose and add water to my food.
I also have to take a pill to help with nausea and promote
contractions in the colon.
I did not like the pill.
Mum made it better by giving me some catnip!
Oooooooooooo! This is good!!!

She gave catnip to all of us.

 As you can see, we are 3 happy cats!!

We even got catnip in our furs.

Right now, we are very happy ,relaxed and stimulated cats!


We purr you all have a FUN weekend !
If you can score some catnip, go for it!
It is great stuff!!

Monday 12 December 2016

Lazy Monday with Georgia and JJ

Georgia: Well, it feels like Winter. It is pretty cool.
I am happy the furnace is on as I love to snooze on the
 warm vents that blow warm air.
I just wish mum kept the heat turned up when she goes
off to work.

JJ: Yes Georgia I agree. However, the blankies are nice 
and cozy too. I can still enjoy a comfy sleep.

Yesterday, mum took this picture of the morning sun.
You can see a bit of snow.
Today, we are getting more snow!
Mum says it will be about 10-15 cm!
WE are glad to be indoor cats!

Julie had some thoughts about the cold weather.

Pop over to House Panthers and see what is on her mind.

Click the red link.

Friday 9 December 2016

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, it is finally Friday and we are happy.
We had mum home for a few days(Mon-Wed) 
and we loved it a lot.

One of the things I loved most was getting lots of brushings!

Here is a tiny amount of my furs.
Does not look like my colours, but it is!
Mum could brush me every day and still get lots and lots
of my furs! I feel so relaxed now.

JJ and Julie enjoyed some sunbeams on the porch.

JJ had  a snooze and Julie hopped up to the windows.
She was so happy that she started rolling around and 
rubbing her face with her paws. 
She does that when she is happy.

That is what I call a blissed out kitty!

Our weekend is supposed to be a lot cooler.
In fact, it will be cold! Temps of -6C  (21F)
with some snowflurries!
It should warm up a little bit by Monday.

We are going to enjoy our weekend with mum .
We purr you all have a FUN weekend too!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Gifts From Our Friends

Some of our very talented friends made beautiful
pictures in memory of our Treasure.
We are so lucky we have these lovely images to remember

From Ann Adamus  at Zoolatry

Please drop by their blogs and say "Hi" .

Monday 5 December 2016

Georgia - My Weekend Was a Bit Quiet

Georgia: My weekend was quiet because mum was not
 around very much.
Where was she?

Here, at the annual Christmas Tea and Tour put on
by her sister's church. She and her sister helped
setting things up and getting things ready for the guests.
They had fun.

Back at home I saw Julie trying to make up her mind 
about something.

Do you know whet she was wondering about?

Pop over to House Panthers and see!
 Click the red link.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our
wonderful friends in the Blogosphere for all the 
kind words and thoughts you sent to us when
Treasure crossed the Bridge.
It made his passing easier to bear and we 
Thank You for that.
We appreciate the comments from our friends and new friends.
You are all wonderful and kind!!!
Thank You!!

Thursday 1 December 2016

Goodnight Sweet Prince,My Little Treasure

My sweet Treasure crossed his Rainbow Bridge tonight.
Bit by bit his body just started to shut down.
Improvement in one area was accompanied by a deterioration
in another. He would rally for a very short time,
then relapse.
There was no hope of any meaningful recovery.
After a long visit at the hospital, I made the painful
decision to let him go. 

I will miss you by my pillow and will miss the 
licks you gave me when I scratched your chin.

Thank you for being a part of my life sweet boy.
We will miss you.

1997- 2016

Monday 28 November 2016

Purrs for Treasure

It is Tuesday evening and Treasure is still in the hospital.
His kidney numbers were elevated and so was the liver.
We decided to have Treasure stay foe another day  and give
him more fluids and an antibiotic in case of infection.
We want to see how he responds to this treatment.
As of this morning he was still depressed.
We will see what tomorrow brings for this little cat.
Thank you all so much for your love and purrs.

Could you send some purrs to Treasure.

Sunday night he did not want any supper.
He had vomited a bit and just wanted to lay down.
Monday morning, he was ready for breakfast and ate.
When I came home from work, I could see that he had vomited again.
He was also very lethargic and seemed depressed.

I called my Vet(after hours line) and she agreed to meet me at the clinic.
Treasure received fluids as he was so dehydrated she could
not get a blood sample from him.
We decided that Treasure would stay at the clinic overnight
and they would do the bloodwork in the morning.
Hopefully this will tell us what is wrong.
He is 19 and on Aventi for kidney support.

I will update  you Tuesday evening.
Thank you, the mum (Nancy)

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Yesterday we were all doing this,



That is because outside, it was doing this!

As you can see, Julie was not on the porch.

You can see more Julie at House Panthers!
Click the red link to see her thoughts.

Friday 25 November 2016

Finally Friday !

We are happy the weekend is here again.
The internet is back to normal and we are catching up.
Mum has been busy so she has not been chasing us with
that flashy box! WooHoo!
So all we can say is...Let's get this weekend started!
We purr you all have a FUN weekend too !

Thursday 24 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving America!

Mum finally got the internet going again.
Now she has stopped being lazy and is actually
using it again to help us post.
Good help is hard to find!

Friday 18 November 2016

Friday Close Ups

For your Friday viewing we present close ups.





We purr you all have a FUN weekend !

We still have some modem issues that we hope to have
resolved soon. For now it's still  working.

Monday 14 November 2016

Sunny Days and Cozy Cats!

Georgia: Our weekend was a bit cool so I enjoyed a lot of sleeping 
time on this nice cozy blanket.

Treasure: I tried out snoozing on the cat tree.

It was pretty nice until mum came along!

JJ: Sunday was sunny so I was on the porch. It felt nice and
I enjoyed the heat.

I was joined by my little sister Julie.
However, I wanted her spot.
I always like to sleep  in that spot. 

She did not mind changing spots.
She is a good sister.

She enjoyed being on the porch too,
See more Julie at House Panthers.
Click the red link!