Nubi Wan Kenobi celebrating his appointment as bodyguard to

Benjamin Fuzz

Bonus: The Event of the Year!! The Pending Nuptials of Karl and Ruis !!!!!!!!

Nubi Wan Kenobi celebrating his appointment as bodyguard to
Bonus: The Event of the Year!! The Pending Nuptials of Karl and Ruis !!!!!!!!
Tillie enjoys the sun on Sunday.
It is the 7 strange things meme.I did this a while ago but will toss out a few more strange /wierd/random things.
1. I am a lover not a fighter. I do not like confrontation.
2. However, if you hiss or whap Mom,I will hiss and whap you. I did that once to a neighbour's cat at our old apartment.
3. I only like Mom.I will hang out in the closet with a sitter in the house.
4. I like Doritos Zesty Cheese.
5. I like Grammie's house.It has stairs!
6. I have used my claws to poke a hole in a metal screen and get out! I was caught soon though. Dang!
7. I know I have mentioned this several times,but I love,love,love grass! Everytime Mom goes out,I expect her to bring me grass. What do ya mean it's under the snow?!!
At least we do not live out west. It is COLD! (-27C = -16.6F)
The blue numbers are wind chill temperatures!!
This picture was taken on Wednesday morning.
The sun was trying to shine and is was very foggy.
Most unusual for this time of year.
It has been a week since Caesar went to the Bridge.
I show this picture as this is how we remember him.
A happy boy with a love of cottage cheese!
Real Name: Tillie
Why: Same as Georgia
Nicknames: Mama's little baby girl- I'm spoiled. So!!!!!
Tillie Toes- I don't know why the obsession with toes.
Tillie Ums- ?????????
Sweetie Pie- That silly high,baby voice.
Little Roundums- I do not like this name!!
For both of these memes, we tag any cat (or dog )that would like to play. Just let me know so I can read your answers! Yup,we're lazy,heeheehee! We just don't know who has not played yet!