Now look at our Friday Close Ups!!!!!!!!!!!!
Georgia Girl
Georgia Girl

Mickey "Don King"

Tillie Toes

My friends Angel & Isabella have given me a wonderful award!

Gee, thanks!!!!!

I received the most fantastic award today
- the I ♥ Your Cats award created by PurrPrints!
from Isabella and Angel
- the I ♥ Your Cats award created by PurrPrints!
from Isabella and Angel
The rules are that I am to award it to up to 7 more blogs. That's where it gets tough for me! I ♥ every cat blog that I've come across! Anyway, I will give this award to :
JB , Cheysuli , Tesla , Huffle , Molly & Shadow , Victor the Vampire Kitty
and my Sweet Miss Peach.
Your Friday closeups are hysterical. Congratulations on your award.
Oh you choose me!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
And I LOVE the new looks.
Mickey, you are rockin' that Don King look! Thanks for the award!
Huffle Mawson
So so so cute~~~~~~~
Happy Friday to you as well~!
Oh dear I htought I came to the wrong place here today. Everycat looks so different!
I am different too because my nose is sneezing and wet. Mommy is all stressed out over it and will haul me off to the vet today. Will you purrr for me so I can get better real fast my dearest Moonshine. Your purrrrs are special and will do wonders for me....
love you tiny sunshine
OK, we laughed at these, but the Don King look is a little bit scairty! Congratulations on your award!
Snort! HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!
Don King....HaHahAHaHa!
Hee Hee!!
Those cracked us up!!!
Your "do", Mickey is very becoming!
Have a great weekend and congrats on your awards!
Purrs Goldie and Shade
You all look very funny and cute ~ concats on your awardies ~ you guys deserve them :)
new award cong on it and look at all this ahahahah shis is going to make me smile the hole wk heheheheh u ar all beautiful
Don king was rhe best! Concats on your award.
Hahahahaha that made us laff.
Concats on your award.
Congratulations on your award. All of you look very glamourous. I especially like the Don King do.
we love the glam shots!!!! hee hee
Okay, Mickey! Those glam shots are over the top! 'Specially yours!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
pee ess. congrats on your award!
Awww Mickey we gave you dis awards tooo...we didn't know you had already gotten it...
GOOD pictures...
Those are some crazy looking hairdoos!
Thanks for the award and thanks for thinking of me!
Those people furs sure do look good on yoo all!
Fank yoo for our awardie, we can't wait to post it!
Playing with hairs and makeups is very fun! You three look fabulous!
hahah Mickey you look funny!! What did you do to yourself?/???
But I gotz to say the girls are smoking hot!! /sizzzzle
Thanks to "Luxella" all us mans cats iz gonna be girly :( hahahah
Ohh p.s. congrat.. oops, catulations on your awards!! and thank you so much for passing one on to me!! :))))
You all look so different I don't even know what to say! I love the glamorous look on Georgia though!
I nearly fell off my chair when I scrolled down and read "Angel & Isabella"! I was afraid they got a glam do too!
Angel and Isabella are pleased to have given you the award since you all deserve it so much!
Don King? Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha
hahahahahahaha - thud-
Dearest Mickey, Roxy just fell off mom's lap, and she's still laughing. I think she will be okay. Just an FYI.
~ Lucky
Why is my mom giggling? Mom, shhh ... ;-)
I love your new looks, but I've gotta say that "Don King" look is, WOW!
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