Monday 22 October 2007

Mancat Monday

Mom ordered some bulbs to plant in the garden so she can (maybe) have flowers next Spring.

As a good Mancat,I felt it was my duty to play in check out the box.
Hey!!! What kind of box is this?!!

This box is too small for a real mancat! Someone is trying to tease me!

You cannot defeat a Mancat! I can still fit in enough to have a Mancat nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!


Anonymous said...

That box is a very cozy size for you! Hey, if you want, you can mail yourself over to my house so that we can play!

Anonymous said...

I think your human needed to order more bulbs, don't you?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hey Mickey,
How come you are so smart or have you been to Nepal before? That 'momo' dumpling is really pronounced as 'more more', as someone who had actually eaten the stuff told me just now. And there I was, thinking you were just being funny. My sincere apologies and promise never to question your wisdom hereafter.

Parker said...

I knew you could fit in there! I just knew it!

None said...

There is no box too small! Good job conquering this one, its just too bad you got to it after the bulbs were removed, I imagined that would have made great toys!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Hahaha! You managed to fit in it anyway :-)

I do think your Mom opened the box wrong though. She should have opened up the side that has the labels on it, then I know for sure you would fit in it! It's not that the box is too small for a real mancat like you, but mom made an error!

Daisy said...

Hahahahaha! Mickey! You squeezed right in there! Good job.

Team Tabby said...

Mickey you look comfortable in dat box. Boxes are fun.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We love to play and sleep in boxes. Even small ones like that - boxes cannot defeat real Mancats!

LZ said...

All boxes should be cat sized or not allowed in the house.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

That's right, real mancats won't be defeated by little boxes!

MaoMao said...

hehe, Mickey, you rock! You made Momma say SQUEE cuz you look so cute fittin' yurself into that little box. You are a furry determined mancat! And furry handsum, too!

Happy Mancat Monday, my furriend.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

*giggle*! Mickey, those are adorable pictures of you. I like how you got in that box anyway! Good job!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

The Devil Dog said...

Mickey, you are very funny. But are you comfortable? The box does look small, but maybe it's just cozy.


The Cat Realm said...

Very cute!What do they call it: contortionist?

Laura W said...

Mickey, I am very sorry. That is NOT me laughing out loud at you.
It is Mosaic Lady.
She says she is laughing with you.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

You fit the box just fine, Mickey! I think that the box should learn to be flexible to accommodate you.


PS. I love boxes too!

Boy said...

Oh Mickey, you're a cwever mancat!

Anonymous said...

Haha Mickey...:) You fit perfect in that box and you're right. Someone can tease a mancat, but they can never defeat him!


Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

That is a very clever way to defeat that box! We are impressed, Mickey!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Lux said...

You were smart to figure out how to semi-fit in there, Mickey! :)

Victor Tabbycat said...

Yup, cats can fit in any box. I was finkin you might stand or sit in it. Good job, conquering the box. Mom likes spring bulbs cuz they don't need no work once they's planted, an they return efurry year. Especially the bright yellow ones.