Hi friends. I have a question for you.
It's a funny thing that happened in my comments.
The first time it happened I though is was a fluke.
Then it happened again.
It's a funny thing that happened in my comments.
The first time it happened I though is was a fluke.
Then it happened again.

When I clicked on her name, I got this website

Yesterday,Milo left me a comment.

I clicked his name, and this site popped up instead.
I did not mind though,as it is the handsome Luxor.
I'm just wondering if any other cat has experienced the same thing ??
I did not mind though,as it is the handsome Luxor.
I'm just wondering if any other cat has experienced the same thing ??

Oh, one more thing.
Mom says we are getting another storm later today!!!!!!!!!!!
That means Monday will probably look like this!
Mom says we are getting another storm later today!!!!!!!!!!!
That means Monday will probably look like this!

I haven't noticed it, but then we are not on blogger. That is very strange.
Stay warm and dry in that storm!
It does sound strange, perhaps write to the blogger admins and have them investigate?
Keep warm!
Abby & Stygia
Nope, that isn't happening here - yet! How strange! Blogger is having all sorts of difficulties recently...
Brr, even more snow? Stay warm!
Siena & Chilli
That hasn't happened to us - but that is weird! Big purrs - and stay warm today!
It hasn't happened to us...maybe it's a part of Kimo & Sabi's master plan to get us to meet new friends! Ha!
I haven't noticed that, but then my mom has not been helping me blog enough lately.
That snow looks really really cold!
Hmmm, that is very puzzling!
We have not had that happen. Very strange.
It looks so cold out your window! Stay warm!!
~ Anna Sue
What a strange thing to happen. It hasn't happened to us, but sometimes when we click on links on our blogroll, we get the feed site, not the actual blog - seems no order to it, it's just random.
If your Monday looks like that picture, feel free to ship all of your snow to us - we'll pay top dollar!
Whicky Wuudler
Mickey, we came by for the last time, thanks for being our friends. we will miss you!
No, that never happens here but it sound really strange.
We hope you stay warm and safe during the storm !
Here it is cold but we have in our Area not much snow!
Luna Luzie and Olli
Nope, that seems very strange!
Smoochies to you Mickey!
I can't click any links for awhile. we spent two days getting rid of a virus and you bloggers know that is trouble big time. All these cats are very pretty, and that winter scene looks like here.
stay inside where it's warm
Hope it's not a virus. There is something very very nasty going around...my mom got hit at work via a drive-by despite all the high-powered tools her company has, and it pretty much destroyed her machine. (It was so new when she got it that no one on the Internets even had a name for it, let alone the anti-virus companies knowing about it.) Anyway, be careful! And stay warm!
That has not happened to us. But we do get comments from people who don't seem to have blogs!?!
As for the snow, I've had enough, how about you?
Sounds like Blogger is having a strange problem! How weird that Milo's link went to my site!
We haven't noticed anything like that ...
I haven't notice about this level~!
Thanks sharing these very interesting information with us~!!!!
And wowww....another storm snow~!! That is really really cold!!!
Dat iz bizarro fur sure. We haz not been on too much dis week, but so far, nuttin' like dat goin' on.
Mickey... dat iz a great pic of you!!!
I bet Miss Peachy will go nuts when she seez it.
Dr Tweety
I don't often click on the links that are in the comments, but that is strange. Blogger must have had a major hic-up.
We haven't had any strange blogger mixup like you Mickey - yet, that is. Hope you stay warm and cozy. Roxy says they are getting more snow Tuesday - does that mean we get some on Wednesday? Hope not.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
We're supposed to get another storm tomorrow, too.
We haven't had any weird link stuff happen, but we have been off-line for a few days -- just trying to catch up now!
(((HUGS))) to your family from Uncle Mo and the purries of Purrchance To Dream
We've never had that happen...it does seem furry odd...did you figure out why??
We got about 8 inches of snow on Saturday so dad spent today digging out!
Hi Mickey,
It's strange about the comment link isn't it? We haven't had a problem our end.
the snow looks cold but pawsome! Stay in the warm ... that's our advice!
I haven't experienced that on blogger. However, I did experience this on a message board .com site I frequent
There is something very very nasty going around...my mom got hit at work via a drive-by
It was in one of the site's ads and redicted me to another site, where it installed something on my computer. I don't understand how it got by Norton. After I was infected, I'd get an automatic PDF download, which I couldn't stop. I did get it fixed.
I would check blogger's help site to see if anyone else is experiencing what your Mom is.
It happened to me once last week. I thought it was SS being clumsy!
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