Mickey: Grass makes me happy.
Mickey: I love getting brushed too !!!!!
Georgia: I love to play in boxes.
Georgia: I like to give Tillie a hard time,heehee
Tillie: I love to snooze on a sunny,warm porch.
Tillie: I like to play with mice.I would like to play with a real one!
Mickey, Tillie, and Georgia--
Congrats on your awards!
Mickey, I think grass makes a lot of people, er cats, happy. Heh, heh.
Elvis loves to get brushed, too.
Georgia and Tillie--boxes, sun, and mousies....ah, the good life.
Hi kitties! Congratulations on all your awards.
Huffle Mawson
Congratulations on all your much deserved awards.
Congratulations on your award~!!!
You 3 lovely brother and sisters makes us really happy as well.
Congratulations on your award. Grass and mice, well if it makes you happy.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
Concatulations on your awards!
Congrats on your awards!
Concatulations on your well deserved awards. We enjoyed reading about the things that make you happy!
Congrats on your awards. Those are great things to be happy about. And you are sweet, all of you.
Congratulations on your awards! You three are certainly very sweet indeed! I love the way you all appreciate the warm sunshine and a nice nap.
Cuddly hugs,
Congratulations on your awards! I love graass too. My mommy planted some catgrass seeds a couple of days ago, so I am so excited that I will hopefully have some fresh yummy grass in a few days.
yay happiness on the awards!!
boxes! that is a great one.
Congrats on the awards. We entirely agrees on your list.
PS: Cliff: You forgot HAM though.
Congratulations on your awards :-D They're very well deserved.
Very nice awards and you are so deserving of them.....YEAH!!!! =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Congratulations on your awards! You are very deserving of these.
We have tagged you for the 5th Photo - 5th Folder Meme.
Mindy, Moe, Bono
Oh Mickey such simple happies for a very non-simple man!
hehe Miss Georgia I am sure that Miss Tillie would have been naughty first :P
Miss Tille I bets you like the mouses a cause you is bigger.. :P hahah
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