It's Friday and time for close ups!
This week ,we have guest appearances !!


We had a visit from this Luna Moth

This Luna Moth was also here.
There was a 3rd one, but Mom did not get it!

Even Theodore Too dropped by.
He came right out of the fog!!
Luna Moth is lovely--and so are all of you!
Those are some really cool pictures!
A very funny and colorful moth :)
I like your shots today,
you are looking all coooool !!
Special Mickey,
we have the same pose today on our blog ..... LOL
Friendly boats are in Canada :)
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
I have never seen Luna Moth before, very very beautiful!!!
Hooray! It's Friday smooches time!
The Luna Moth is beautiful. In fact, so pretty that we might not even pounce, given the chance!
Those moths are a pretty colour! Of course, I think the three of you are pretty too!
Huffle Mawson
Looking pretty spiffy there!
Wonderful closeups today! We like Theodore too. And those are really great photos of the luna moth - they are so beautiful.
that moth is exquisite! Never seen one up close before!
Those are pretty moths...and the boat is interesting! Of course, you 3 are prettier than anything else. :)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
That Luna Moth looks kind of magical! I have never seen a real, live one before.
Luna moth is very pretty. I am happy to know her.
I hope you three have a marvelous week-end
love and purr
Pawsome close ups as always! The luna moth pictures are fabulous!!
Did you get to go for a ride on Theodore Too?
We love seeing your close-ups, but of course we are excited about a "Luna Moth" :)
Beautiful close-ups and that Moth is so cool!
Such lovely closeups.Yet my mom would have fainted if a moth that size came into our house.Have a very safe and Happy 4th of July...Hugs
Oh my gosh! A luna moth - like in Dr Doolittle!!! :) Wow!
Great closeups and what a beautiful moth!
Wunderfurrl fotos today! We smiled at the boat, sighed at your lovely faces and oooh'd at the moth.
Oh we is soooo 'barressed! The mom had yer blog on da screen and suddenly a big huge rain storm wif booms and flashes of light came. Do yoo know dat the mom shut down the puter and didnt go back on till it stopped. The 'barressin part is - that was 5 days ago!!
Anywho, wud yer mommy email our mommy yer snail mail so dat we may send yoo all sumfin? (ttgrrl at gmail DOT com)
Georgia, the cold air is blowin day and night come on overs! Oh and Tillie yoo can come and keep Trooder company if yoo want to. ;)
- whisker rubs - Shadow
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