Hi! Tillie here, and I am happy to say that Mom is done her
staycation !!! That means meals will be served at the regular times!
Also, I am NOT bothering Julie!!
I am just telling her that I am the diva kitty,heh,heh,heh!
As you can see, Tiger and I are not getting involved in kitty
disputes! We did a lot of this last week and it was great.
Mind you, we do this every week!! Heehee
Yup, Mom was out lots and overnighting some, but it was OK.
We got to see lots of Mom as she did not have to get up
before the sun!
She did get a new computer and is working on getting info from
one to the other. Good thing she has good help as she is
NOT computer smart!! She IS computer frustrated though!
She needs to nap like we do, it's very relaxing!
Hi, Julie here and I am still trying to figure this place out.
I am still not too sure about all these other cats, but they are not
too bad so far. They do not try to get too close. All except Tillie!
She is constantly trying to tell me she is the boss kitty!
Mom looks out for me though, so I am happy.
Some of my furs are starting to grow in!! Maybe I will have them all
in place for something called Halloween.
Before any of that, I need to have an operation. My spay day
is Thursday August 16. Mom and I are a bit nervous and we
hope things go well with no problems!!! I will be happy when
it is over so I can recover and learn to deal with that Tillie!!
We have a little post over at House Panthers.
To see it, Click here!!
Tillie and Tiger, we love your no dispute style!
We hope your mom figures out that computer stuff.
Julie, we are glad your furs are growing in. We will purr and pay for you, sweet one!
Even when humans don't go out of town for their time off from work, it seems like they mess with our schedules! I'm glad you will be getting fed on time from now on.
Welcome back! Julie, we're glad your furs are growing back. We'll be purring for you and hope all goes well with your surgery.
Welcome back! Julie, we're glad your furs are growing back. We'll be purring for you and hope all goes well with your surgery.
Welcome back! Julie, we're glad your furs are growing back. We'll be purring for you and hope all goes well with your surgery.
Welcome back.You're going to get meals on schedule again? Wow.
You are starting to look quite cared for and well fed. Good look on your spay!
We wish you good luck on your ladygardenectomy. It really isn't too bad. And moms always baby you when it's over. Just know that your siblings might not like the "vet smell" for a day or two. And, Julie, I think with all the love and attention you will not only fit in to your new family, your furs will look lovely by Halloween.
Tillie and Julie, you are BOTH looking gorgeous!
We will cross our paws that all goes smoothly on August 15th. We have both been through that one, and it went just fine.
Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
We'll be purring hard that all goes well with your spaying, Julie! Good luck!
Julie we know you will be fine when you go for your ladygardenectomy. Responsible lady cats don't want any "mistakes"!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We are happy yer furs are growing back. We know Tillie will eventually get used to ya--how could she not? We will purr for ya on Thursday.
Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back! Sounds like it was a good staycation, and the cats seem to be enjoying themselves. Julie looks quite elegant in that last photo. And we think black cats like Tillie and Julie are natural divas :)
It's good to see you guys again! We think things may settle down a little after you get spayed, Julie. Mommy says hormones are a...well...we won't repeat what she says.
Uh oh, Julie! All your new sibs will hiss at you when you get back, so be prepared for that! It won't last long, though. THEN you can deal with the diva!
We think things will all settle down once your ladygardenectomy is behind you!!
✿•*¨`*•. ♥Abby♥Boo♥Ping♥Jinx♥Grace♥✿•*¨`*•.
That sounds like great news all round. Pawsome! We will purr for you all on spay day.
We're glad things are back to normal. Purring for all goes well on spay day.
Sounds like a good time and a new computer too! Howdy Julie!
Pretty Julie, we are sure your big day will go smoothly. We are purring for you to have an easy time.
Thank you so much for your words of condolence on the loss of my mother. Its been a rough time, but knowing how quickly and easily she went and having the support of so many kind people has made it easier than I ever thought it would be. Thank you again and again.
Paula & the Twinkletoe Tails Gang
heehee! So Tillie has her nose out of joint; we are sure that she (and effuryone else) will adjust to you soon, Julie. We like Georgia's and Tiger's approach.
Glad your mom had a fun staycation and purring that her computer adjust to her just fine.
Big purrs for your surgery tomorrow, Julie. If mom wipes you with a cloth that's been rubbed on one of your sibs, the vet smell isn't so bad. Purrs.
love & hugs,
Laura & Taffy
Well, mom is computer frustrated too so we know all about that! Hope Julie's appointment goes purrfectly!
We are sending good thoughts and purrs that your spay op goes well Julie!!
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