Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Mom and Auntie and #1 from the Poupounette !

On Sunday, Mom and Auntie N went to visit 
a very special person, #1 form the pawsome blog
Here is a pic of Mom and #1

This is Auntie N  and #1

Mom came home with a super bag of goodies from  Tama,Bibi,
Sei, Genji, Tommy, Vidock, Violette and #1 !
Julie is already picking a toy to play with.

Looks like she got it too !

Tiger also had some fun.

Georgia wanted to play while in her cozy  place.

She had fun with that toy!!!

JJ was all over it!

Tillie wanted to play in her box !

She was anticipating it!!

Checking out more toys!


We also got to sample some freeze dried turkey bites.
They were pawsome!!!!!

 Even Stray Kitty got some.

 He liked them too !

 Even Mom got a treat...chocolate!!!!!!
She did NOT share!!
Can you believe that?
What do you mean it's not good for us?
Wait Mom, are you purring as you eat that bar?

Mom says meeting a fellow blogger was such fun.
We hope that it will happen again and that  there
will be more bloggers. We can think of some that 
are kinda close :)


Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW! You sure are stacking up the goodies!!!

Sparkle said...

How awesome that your human got to meet #1!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is so very pawesome! The Woman wishes she could get the Male to agree to visit Nova Scotia. She thinks that would be a very cool place to visit. Actually, she'd love to do a whole tour of the northeastern US and eastern Canada! I bet she could see a lot of bloggers then!

Cara n Crew said...

how fun! and great pressies too!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Team Tabby said...

We got a lot of really nice things didn't we?

We think our mombeans really enjoyed the meet-up lots!!


The Swiss Cats said...

Coming from Europe to America seems to be a very long trip, but the Poupounette's Mum did it ! With lots of treats for every one, furry or not ! Pawsome ! It looks like fun, really. Loupi and Zorro

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Just look at that stash of goodies!

Cat said...

How fantastic that you got together with #1, and what a lot of lovely toys she brought!!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

glad de momz all hada grate time N way awesum package oh goods ewe guys getted :) !!!! enjoy ~~~~~~~

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're glad you're enjoying the toys and treats (love that first pic of Julie!), and that even Stray Kitty got to sample some treats!

#1 tells us she had the best time!

The Chans

Colehaus Cats said...

How fun! We love the idea of meeting other bloggers! Thank you for sharing with Stray Kitty. He looks pretty happy too! Purrs...

Ivan from WMD said...

Wowee, it looks like everybody had a lot of fun! How cool is all that?

catsynth said...

How great to meet fellow bloggers! I've met a few in SF and NY. And it looks like the cats got a bunch of nice toys and treats out of the deal (sorry kitties, chocolate is for humans only).

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

How wonderful~!!!

A few Good Cats said...

Lots of good memories made in that visit!

meowmeowmans said...

That is so exciting that your mom got to meet #1! And look at all those treats!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi there !
Found my way here from The Poupounette :)
It´s fun to meet other bloggers IRL , my mom-person have meet some bloggers here in Sweden where we live.
That sure was a Rolls Royce Goodie/Toy bag #1 brought to you !!

Katie Isabella said...

OH OH OH! How wonderful to meet #!. I would love to meet #1 and all of the Poupounette clan! How wonderful for you and what a wonderful assortment of gifts for all of you and stray kitty too. Is stray kitty allowing pets or a vet visit?


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

How cool your mom got to meet #1!! Looks like you guys had fun with your goodies!