Friday, 27 February 2015

Finally Sunny Friday!

Georgia: Well, it's finally Friday and it's sunny!
We are so happy about that as we can get on the porch and enjoy it.

Those sunbeams feel so good.
We can enjoy them all weekend too!

Treasure: Oh yes Georgia, a sunny weekend sounds fun.
I have my snoozy spot picked out.

Julie: I am also happy for sunshine. I will go on the porch soon.
I just want to say I am tired of snow and cloudy days.

Cloudy days and snow deserve a big raspberry.
Sunshine is so much nicer.

Treasure: Yes, sunshine is the best.
I love it a lot.
I am also feeling very well and eating well.
All that nice gushy food.
I don't miss my teeth at all!

We purr that you all have a really FUN weekend
whether it is sunny or not.
WE hope it is sunny though!


Lone Star Cats said...

Enjoy your sunshine!

The Swiss Cats said...

It's so good to get some sun ! Enjoy your sunny week-end ! Purrs

Summer said...

How nice that you will be having a sunny weekend - ours, here in usually-sunny California is going to be rainy! Oh well, we do need it.

The Island Cats said...

We have sun today too! Now all we need is a porch like yours. Happy weekend!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you all your sunshine while you can.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

pilch92 said...

Glad you are feeling well and enjoying some sun.

Eastside Cats said...

Glad to hear you are feeling okay, Treasure! Sunshine is a wonderful thing...hope we get some of it too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We hope you all have the most wonderful sunny snuggies!


Enjoy that sunny Friday, we're still searching for ours!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...we iz knot sure we will haz sun, de fore cast ternz faster heer then a snail on soap...???...oh kay then, hope yur hole week end iz sun shinez filled, everee one gets lots oh trout N heerz two a popeye catalufa kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Glad you are doing well without your teeth Treasure. Enjoy your weekend all of you!

LMoore said...

OMC, they took some of my teeth yesterday too! I think there is a conspiracy!


meowmeowmans said...

Hooray for sunshine! Zoe says to tell you that SHE lost some teefs last month, too. She's not missing them too much, either. :)

Have a great sunny weekend, sweet pals!

Robin said...

That sunshine sure looks nice! I wish we had some here. You guys are super cute :) I hope you get your nap in.

The Whiskeratti said...

Ah, blessed sun. Enjoy yours!

catsynth said...

Yay for sunshine! Enjoy your time on the porch :)

Fuzzy Tales said...

We hope your weekend has been sunny and least "warm" by this winter's standards. :-P

BTW, our human finally saw some news coverage of all the ice (on the streets and sidewalks) in the Halifax area, and holy cod! We thought we had it bad here.... :-(

Tell your mom to stay safe when she's out and about.

Purrs and peace.