Monday, 24 June 2019

Freaky Monday with Julie

Julie: If I look a bit miffed, it's because I am.
Mum was gone all day Sunday and when she came home
she realized she forgot her camera bag in her sister's car.
As it was too late to get it, she got her little camera
to take these pictures.
As you can see it was dark. That means dinner was late.
This will mean extra treats for us!
The pictures are not great because she has to use flash.
Sheesh !
I am sure you all understand. We just want to look our best.
Yes, these pics are a bit freaky!

Georgia avoided laser eyes by taking a drink when mum
came to take her picture.

JJ decided to finish dinner(that was served late).
Now you can get a better look at his shave cut.
New fur is growing in. It will be cool for Summer and he is
happy not to have the matts anymore.

OK mum, now that you have done this post how about some treats?!


Lone Star Cats said...

I think ya deserve even more treats for that!

Summer said...

You definitely deserve treats for your human's neglect of her camera bag!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You deserve a whole bag full of treats.

Tamago said...

Oh I bet you got lots of extra treats for dinner being late :-)
Happy new week to you all! xo

Kea said...

Late dinner? We agree, that deserves the entire bag of treats!

Dma said...

theo heard the word "treats." he's on his way over.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You all never look freaky, you always look most wonderful!

Marg said...

We like your new hair do JJ. And we know you are cooler. Have a fantastic week.

Eastside Cats said...

Julie, you make sure that your human purchases a second fancy camera, as a backup! Your Feline Union rules say that all photos must be purrfect, and NOT made on subpar equipment.
You tell her!


That flashy part is the worst -- we all hate it! YOU all deserved extra extra treats!!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz...we hope ya noe there a rool for that.....servin dinner at a dark o clox when it shuld bee served at o lite o clox..mum iz gonna get inta trubull....want we shuld call de law !! ;) ♥♥☺☺

ewe all still look grate tho...flash ore knot ! ♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

We hope you got some extra treats ! Purrs

catsynth said...

I've forgotten my camera on a few occasions, too.
I think all the kitties deserve some extra treats for accommodating :D

World of Animals, Inc said...

We know your mom will have extra treats for you for being gone so long and having dinner late for you all. Thanks for the share. Have a great week.
World of Animals

pilch92 said...

You poor kitties had a rough weekend. I hope she spends all next weekend with you. XO

The Island Cats said...

You still all look great. But we hope you get those extra treats.

Ivan from WMD said...

LATE DINNER??!?!?!?!

Katie Isabella said...

Julie, don't you belong to Austin's Cat Union? See the Badge on my page to jog your memory.

Zoolatry said...

Maybe Mom deserves the back-of-disrespect for a day or so .... however, on second thought, being the food lady, that may not be such a good idea!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

But you still look purrfect!

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, you cuties look great, even with the small camera. But we agree ... more treats are needed, for sure! XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Late dinner but with extra treats? Hmm, that's a tricky choice.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Treats while she makes dinner, treats when you need to have a change of taste and treats for dessert! Yup, that might help...a bit...MOL!