Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Finally I get to post!!!

Winnie: Hello friends and once again Mum has been
doing "her things" on the laptop! Sheesh!
I have to remind her that  she has to help me blog as her retired brain
tends to forget things MOL!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, she did remember and here  I am.
Now all I have to do is keep her at it ! MOL!!!!

                                   She says she will help me as we both miss seeing all of you...
                                    I will reserve judgement until I see actual results.
                                    You know what humans are like ! MOL!
                                    The important thiing is that I am happy and enjoying life here.
                                    That makes Mum and I very happy!
                                     Carch you later!!





Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Always lovely to see you, Winnie. I am glad you are enjoying your life.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Hello Winnie! We are very glad that your Mum took our advice (suggestion?) and helped you post! That is a lovely photo of you. We're looking forward to seeing more!

The Chans

Eastside Cats said...

Winnie, we hope that the temps are rising there; it's such a positive time of year.

catsynth said...

Aww, we miss seeing both of you, too. Glad you and your Mum are happy and enjoying life. Stay safe and warm! 😻

da tabbies o trout towne said...

yur lookin my tee gorgeouz ther winnie and yur bed showz off yur pawsum coat !!! ♥♥ hope de cuzinz iz doin grate N yur all N joyin time chillaxin two gether :) ♥♥

Dma said...

Looks like a comfy bed.