Are you going to read Narnia now Mom?

She 'just' fits too!! Hahahaha
Oh , it feels soooooooooooooooo good!
I like to hang out here . It's a quiet ,cozy room.
The girls can have the porch!
The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : BRIGHT
The quarter next to this spider is BRIGHT
The sun on these flowers is BRIGHT.
Georgia : This sun is BRIGHT! I should move.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, it's still BRIGHT !!
It feels good though!!!!!
Tillie (Mom disturbed her nap.Hahahahahaha)
Warning!!!!!!! Terrifying content below.
THE spider is back!!!!!
TJ - working way too hard!!
Trixie - Nice photo shoot, now let me out! heehee
Max - Bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Miss Boo -I think I'll hide in here.
Come find me Capt'n Jack!!,heehee
Samantha - Hi Tybalt,wink,wink!!
Scooby -Oh yeah,this is the life!
Boni Maroni - Mmmmmm,I like warm spots!!!
PC's & radiators are the best!!!
Dragonheart -See, I can reach my nose with my tongue.
My action shot!
Edsel - NIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gizmo - Oh boy,FOOD!!!!!!!!
And drink!!!
Josie - What??? Remove that flashy box!!
LC - Look,I brought my own mouse!!!
Bonus Pic : It's fun to be a bun!!!
This is William. See? We could be twins, except I'm older .
The rules:
Link to the one who tagged you.
List the rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag some blogger friends with links.
Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.
1. I like to stand on the phone when Mom is on it.
Maybe that's why she uses the cordless one.
2. I like to check out Mom's food,even though I do not eat it. I like my food.
3. I like to greet Mom with my tail straight up.
4. I like ti sleep on Mom's dirty clothes. Heehee
5. I like to hang out with Mom and watch what she does.
6. I like anybean that brings me grass!!!!
I tag Sweet Praline and Jawsy,Garfield and Felix.
We also have a critter on the back deck!
They only live for 7 days.
They are quite big and pretty.
Here are my whiskers . They look white,but that is just sunlight .
Tillie showing her toes in the lounging position.
Tillie : Look at my toes!!! Aren't they cute?!!!!!
Georgia, taking it easy on her table.
BIG stretch!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of tummy!!!!!
Clean up time!!!! See My mittens ,heehee
These are my back toes. I have extras!!