It's Friday and time for our close ups.


Tillie (Mom disturbed her nap.Hahahahahaha)

Warning!!!!!!! Terrifying content below.
THE spider is back!!!!!

Mom is not very brave. She did her daily ckeck of the deck and saw
IT finishing breakfast.
She got J to move it. She said to take it FAR,FAR away.
She took the pictures, as J could protect her.
The camera only has 3x zoom.
Poor Mom...hahahahahahahahaha!!!
We could have had fun with that thing!!!!!
Oh boy, you are right, that thing looks like so much fun. Even more fun than my furrymouse. Tell them next time to let YOU deal with it!
Abby Normal
Hi Mickey, my special pal! You are looking very regal. Are you enjoying the summer time? Are you getting lots of grass from your mommy? I like the spider. If you want to send it to me, I would be happy to play with it! Unlike cats, it has only 1 life. hehehe
Purrs, Halloween
Yep, that wood send da Mom screemin from da room!
Cute close ups. Now I have to go and get Mummy back from behind the sofa, sigh, she really doesn't like spiders.
Simba x
Mommy needs to go lie down now, she really hates spiders!!!
Haha that made mum's arms come out in goose bumps. If there is ever a spider in the bath, she sends us in to deal with it.
Tillie doesn't look very pleased about being disturbed.
Fabulous close-ups! :)
That looks like a scary spider!
OMG, a close-up of the spider! Your mom is really, really brave! And it's sooooo huge!
All of those close up are gorjuss
'cept da spider...we wood make mincemeat outta dat juss like yoo if yur Mom wood let yoos....
AHHHHHHHHHHHH mommy's hands is shaking and she cannot look and she's getting a little sick to her stomach
but you is all cute.
Eww... my human has the chills now but she couldn't stop looking. She is glad she does not live where you do.
Here we are all...what cute pictures (especially Georgia!) and then WHAM! That...that....*shudder...creature. ICK!!!!!!!!
That spider must really like your mom!
Great close-ups . . . Georgia's is particularly spectacular this week!
Gosh, if dat big spider would run real fast we could have a great chase. Wonder how it would taste? Junebugs are delicious. Mom has been finding tiny jumping spiders in da bathroom, they get in thru da skylight vent she thinks. She let one hop around on the palm of her hand to amuse the little bean she was looking after, then she opened the window and put it out.
Mindy & Moe
Silly momma went EEK at the spider! haha, Georgia you are looking extra cute today girl!
Those are great pictures of you guys!
That picture of the spider gave Momma the willies. hee hee
Gosh, I'd like to comment but my mom's screaming and stuff!
I just realized that spider could be Nancy! From Auntie Bee's blog with Mr. Whiskers! I wonder how Nancy got off the leash?
EEEEEEEK! Squarsh it now!
I agree - eeeeeeek! Get rid of that creepy, crawly, critter.
Great close ups. The one of Tillie is particularly handsome. As for the spider, did you hear that noise? That was mom screaming.
HOLY GROSSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness...mommy fainted dead away and here I am all alone! Now what? How do I bring her around again? Hmmmmmmm I do not know. Where is her fan and smelling salts at....I will be back....
Wonderful close ups :-) But did you have to include that spider again? It's not only your Mom's worse nightmare, it's MINE, too. I HATE spiders.
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