Monday 4 May 2009

Mancat Monday

Mom likes to plat with graphics.
I indulge her.
That's because she is not using the flashy box!
I must admit,I am a pretty handsome subject.

Gee Mom, this one is a bit scary!

Oooooo, this one is kinda spooky,heh,heh!

Not sure what to make of this one.

Oh look!!
There's a handsome Mancat!!!
This is the 'real' me .


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

The effects in graphics programs can be a lot of fun for the beans. You look furry cool in the pictures.

meemsnyc said...

Cool graphics!!

Southbaygirl said...

Those are cool graphic pics of you! Your mom is very talented!!

-Kodak, 3 Perf and Blossom

Anonymous said...

Ooooh I loves your spooky one Mickey! :)
They are all neato.. but as you say your momma does haves a very handsome subject! :))

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You look great no matter how she changes you up!

Anonymous said...

Mickey, we like the last one best... just plain handsome man cat you!

Anya said...

The graphics are very cooooooool :)
I like the green one :)
With program is it ,
I want to make also so nice pictures ;)
The bit scary one is realy SCARY !
Mickey Mom has nice played with her program:))
You are today a mancat with different looks.....

Teddy Westlife said...

You are a VERY handsome mancat Mickey!

Huffle Mawson

BooBoo said...

You look like you are watching something interesting.

The Creek Cats said...

Those pics look so fun! Your mom is very handy with the graphics software!! We saw you on Mishkat's site today!

Mishkat said...

Happy Mancat Monday! We like your mom's graphics. Our mom likes to play with our photos too - and we agree that it keeps her from driving us nuts with the flashy box.

P.S. You're our special guest mancat today!

Jasmim said...

You are beautiful! No matter what the effect of the photo =)

Jas & Gi

Ailurophile said...

Indeed quite a handsome mancat! You look great in all the images.

Hope you all have been doing well. Purrs and hugs :)

Squirrel said...

tricky effects Mancat ~~ ! you are the best cat ever and we can never see too many cool images of you

The Devil Dog said...

That is so cool, Mickey. Our mom is real boring with our photos. Just takes them and posts them. Sheesh. You think she could be more creative like your mom?


Anonymous said...

Very cool love the first one best :)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Mickey, you are one handsome mancat!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Those are pretty cool!

The Creek Cats said...

Fanks for the vote and the luck!!

Anonymous said...

How artsy of yoo Mickey! We like da first colourful piccy of yoo a lot.

Hai Georgia, can I come over to sit wif yoo? *whisker rubs* ~ Shadow

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are a wonderful handsom subject for these pictures, though I must admit the second one is a tiny bit scary.

catsynth said...

The black-on-black with bright lines (i.e., the ones labeld "spooky" and "scary") are our favorites. Of course, we like the original, too :)

Hansel said...

our mommeh jus got photoshops. Her haz been doin dis ALLA tim. I fink i shall smash her. -tesla

Anonymous said...

Hi Mickey,

I have closed my auction cause I'm donating the bears.Yet I still would like to send you a bear so please send me your address....Hugs Ariel

Sassy Kat said...

Beautiful photos, your mom is doing a nice job with things. Of course with such a beautiful kitty posing the photos could only be wonderful.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Luna und Luzie said...

Those are cool graphic effects, Mickey. Oh, and you are a handsome Mancat, indeed!!!

Luna, Luzie and Olli

Cliff and Olivia said...

You're a very handsome mancat! We love the graphics, but prefer the "real" you.