Well friends, I am thankful that it has been sunny and warmer this week.

Mom is thankful she owns this book and that it
does not belong to a friend or library.
Take a closer look. See the edge of the cover??
That is the handiwork of Tillie!
Tillie's teeth to be exact.
Tillie is a chewer.
Stop leaving things around Mom! Hahaha!
does not belong to a friend or library.
Take a closer look. See the edge of the cover??
That is the handiwork of Tillie!
Tillie's teeth to be exact.
Tillie is a chewer.
Stop leaving things around Mom! Hahaha!


I hope it at least was a tasty book...
Oh, dear, libraries frown on such marks on their books. It sure is good that's your mom's book.
Don't worry Tillie. Your mum knows it was her fault for leaving the book out in temptation's way.
Nice job. Tillie!!
I think books are nommy too!
That looks like a really good book - to chew on!
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike
Hahaha! Tillie, I do the same thing. Aren't books delicious!
Good job! It's your human's fault if she leaves temptation in your path. ;-)
Oh Tillie, you little stinker! :)
Cody likes to scratch on my books when he wants attention. I think the next one he will get his claws on will be the newest Dresden Files next month.
I love your St. Patrick's Day pictures! You're all so cute!
hugs and happy days,
oh, please come for Toeshee's birthday party today! There's cat grass for Mickey!
Tillie, can they prove it??...That wide eyed look says innocence to us!!...You guys are so gorgeous with those silky black furs and beautiful gold and green eyes=WOW!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Bwa Ha Ha Ha...King is like that with Pictures!
Well, it is a book which means paper - isn't paper made for kitties to chew on? That is what we have always thought at least!
Tillie was it tasty?
Gracie is our paper shredder...she loves to play with the toilet paper if she finds it unrolled it will be shredded....
Haha! Tillie...you sure did a number on that book!! I'm a chewer too!!
I love the book cover you did!
That is an artist master piece!
I think books are nommy too!
data entry india
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