Hi friends!! I told Mom we had to do a post.
It IS Mancat Monday,after all!!!!!!
I have told you before about Mom & her sister (Mrs Quilter) playing games.
They do this on the weekend, sometimes.
I snoopervise and get plenty of laptime.
It IS Mancat Monday,after all!!!!!!
I have told you before about Mom & her sister (Mrs Quilter) playing games.
They do this on the weekend, sometimes.
I snoopervise and get plenty of laptime.

Here are two games they have played.

Now, they are playing this one.

They only play it when they are together.

But look!!!!!!!
I saw these games! They have not played them yet.
I saw these games! They have not played them yet.

Something tells me they will be spending more time together.

They certainly DO get immersed in these games,heehee

Wow, those look like pretty cool games. The only games our human knows are ones like Scrabble (her favourite), Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit and the like. We bet they had (and are having) a lot of fun!
Wow, that's cool. We play games with our friends on most Sundays, too! Sometimes we host at CatSynth HQ in which case Luna gets to "snoopervise" from her perch on the balcony :)
Wow, those look like some furry neat games!!!
Those look really neat.
We can see why they enjoy those games so much.
purr on
Looks like your mum and her sister are getting ready for a mamoth game session.. Good games there.. Hugs GJ x
Good to see you, Mickey!!...Those look like fun games, especially with you as a lap cat thrown in the mix!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Wow those look like crazy games - they must have a lot of fun with them!
Your mom and Mrs. Quilter are probably having a lot of fun! (And it's good you get lap time, too!) My mom fails miserably with games. She never got to the second level in Tomb Raider, couldn't get the cop out of the alley in Police Quest IV (the opening scene, no less!!) and gave up on Syberia somewhere early on. I've told her to just get cat toys next time--they're much easier to play with.
Our mom never plays games...and it's a good thing because we want her to spend all her time with us! We hope your mom and her sister have lots of fun!
Sometimes the Male and the Woman play a game. Usually on the computer together. But mostly not.
Look like pretty neat games. SS likes the Atlantis one.
Wow! Cool games! Glad you get some good lap time while your Mom is playing.
Those are very neat! At least they are staying home with you all while they play!!
Well I hope they don't ignore you when they are playing these games!
It is very cool that your mum and her sister put on matches for you to watch:)
our the mom would love those games!
Those look like very cool games.I've given you an award please go to my blog and see....Hugs
WOW that is an amazing game.
Mom says she used to play some game named "Myst" but she never got through it. I think she is just not very smart haha
Mickey, it is good that you preside over this game playing, making sure they follow the instructions and stuff.
Those look like fun games, my mom has not ever seen them before.
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