Friday, 27 November 2015

Thoughts on Friday

Georgia: I an hoping to get Mom to lay on my
blankie  and snuggle with me.

Julie: I am going to help Mom with the laundry.

JJ: I am hoping to get Mo m to give me some belly rubs.
I love belly rubs!

Treasure: I want Mom to look out of the window with me.
I like her company.

Here's to the full "Beaver Moon"
also called the "Frost Moon"

We purr you all have a FUN weekend!


Cats of wildcat woods said...

Hope you guys had a great Turkey Day. Love the full moon too.

Katnip Lounge said...

Your Mom has her day all planned out, doesn't she?!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You sure are good at directing your Mom's activities, MOL!!

Beautiful Moon!

Furries said...

You all have a busy weekend planned with chores and snuggles. Great moon photo!

Summer said...

It sounds like you guys will be keeping your human very busy!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We think your Mom is going to have a busy day!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

I agree, your Mom sure has a busy day filling all those wonderful requests!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like you have everything planned out for your mum!

Marilia said...

Have a delicious weekend!

The Swiss Cats said...

We hope you had a nice Thanksgiving celebration. Have a great weekend ! Purrs

Dma said...

Sounds like your mom will be plenty busy...

A Tonl said...

A beaver moon AND a frost moon? Cool, we'd never heard of those!


WE hope you all had a great weekend!

Tamago said...

I hope your thoughts reached your mom :-)
Julie, you are very, very helpful with the laundry!