Monday, 11 July 2016

Lazy Monday Cats!

Georgia: Often when mum goes to work, we kitties
like to have a good snooze. Well, actually we like to
snooze anytime. 

Today is pretty grey and rainy, so it is
purrfect for snoozing.

JJ agrees.

So does Treasure, though he did open his eyes for a sec.

Even Julie likes to snooze,except when something sparks her
interest. What could that be?

Here is a clue!

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Today we remember our big brother and blog founder

Happy 23rd Birthday at the Bridge Mickey!

July 11,1993 - March 11, 2011


Katie Isabella said...

Happy Birthday Mickey. I remember you so very well. Admiral did. Mom & I hope this will take tonight as sometimes when she comments from the phone it won't show up. ❤️ To all of you and dear Mickey.

Team Tabby said...

We remember our dear furcousin, Mickey. That photo of him is wonderful, what a handsome mancat he was. We still miss you.

Mindy & Mike and our Mom

Summer said...

You guys are lucky you get to snooze while your human works - mine works at home, which means I have to supervise her! In fact, I'm in her office chair with her right now.

Lone Star Cats said...

I luv snoozin too!

Dma said...

good spot, Julie.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope y'all have a super snoozy day! Happy Birthday at the Bridge Mickey, we miss you pal.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy Bridge Birthday, Mickey!

It's been cloudy here too although the rain has held off so far. We have been snoozing, except for Genji who has been playing wildly in his hammock!

The Chans

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Birthday, Angel Mickey! Yesterday, I actually followed Chuck and Angel's advice and took a nap myself! The Hubby woke me up for dinner, and it took a while to figure out what the heck was happening...


Happy birthday at the Bridge Mickey we know all the Angels are celebrating with you!

Tamago said...

Looks like you are all enjoying a nice lazy day :-) Well, except when there is someone out there!
Happy birthday to angel Mickey xoxo

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...we wanted ta let ewe noe that we haz it on good author a tee
{ gram paw dude & sauce } that therz one rockin awesum partee goin
on two day for mickey; ther bee a cake thatz 923,044 milez long, perch pizza piez az far az de eye can see & mickey iz tellin everee one how much him loves hiz familee & how total lee awesum they iz ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

That sounds like a good plan for a rainy day. Too bad we didn't meet Mickey : sweet memories. Purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy birthday at the Bridge, Mickey.
It is a grey day here also, so I am snoozing too.

The Island Cats said...

Aw, sweet Mickey. We sure miss him. Enjoy your snoozes!

pilch92 said...

Mickey was handsome boy, I wish I had been reading blogs back when he was writing. XO

Furries said...

I didn't expect to see a squirrel. It must have been fun to watch.
Mickey was a very handsome boy.

meowmeowmans said...

That sure looks like some prime snoozing, gang. :)

Happy birthday, Angel Mickey. We love and miss you lots!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Some days are just good fer bein lazy! Though with that Evil Skwerl, we couldnt.

Sasha said...

snoozing at any time is one of my favourite occupations too. Have a snooze here, have a snooze there, here a snooze, there a snooze, snoozing everywhere.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Monday snoozes simply have to happen. Gotta catch up on sleep after all the weekend fun, right? And, happy birthday at the Bridge, Mickey!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy 23rd Birthday Mickey.

Ivan from WMD said...

Georgia, my mom wants to steal you away!

We hope Mickey had a great big celebration with his pals. ❤️

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Mickey! And have a purr-fect nap, kiddos!