Monday, 7 January 2019

Monday Musings

Georgia: Hello friends and happy Monday!
The weekend is over, but that only affects mum.
We spent our weekend relaxing and keeping mum company.
Mum says my annual exam is on Tuesday and even
though I was at the Vet twice already,she is still
taking me!!! I am a little bit miffed but maybe it
won't be so bad this time.

JJ: I have decided to move my snoozy spot. I am back 
in the living room in front of the fireplace that does not work.
Mum has lots of blankets piled here for me.
It's a good spot as I can keep an eye on anything going on.
I also can have a good sleep too.

Julie: Usually I like to follow mum around the house.
Sometimes though, I just like to sit for a bit.
This chair is comfy and faces a window at
the far end of the living room.
There is an old,dead tree outside and I can watch 
squirrels sitting on it and looking inside.
If they ever got inside that would be fun! MOL!!


Lone Star Cats said...

Hope da vet visit goes well!

Summer said...

It sounds like you guys have some good Monday plans, even if your human doesn't! MOL

The Chair Speaks said...

Hope all goes well for you at the vet's visit, Georgia! Purrs and hugs!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I hope you have a good vet visit, Georgia.

The Swiss Cats said...

We hope you got a good report at the vet, Georgia ! Purrs

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Hiya guys! We hope the annual check up is all ok Georgia. JJ, in front of the fire is the best place fur sure and Julie, squirrel watching is the best live TV effur!!

Happy New Year!

Bestest Purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Brian's Home Blog said...

We'll be purring for a great Vet visit sweet Georgia. Y'all have a fabulous week!

Kea said...

Happy Monday! Good luck tomorrow at the v-e-t, Georgia, we hope it's a quick visit!

Tamago said...

Georgia, I sure hope your annual exam will go smoothly, and that you won't have to go back for a long time! JJ, it sounds like a great napping spot with lots of blankies. And Julie, you are looking extra beautiful there. I think squirrels should come inside :-) Yep, it would be fun!


Those are such beautiful photos of all of you, but Julie that is an exceptional one of you. Love the look in your eyes. Georgia we all purr your vet visit goes by quickly and has you back home in no time!

Eastside Cats said...

Georgia, just remain calm and look beautiful, and maybe the vet people won't steal any of your blood! Good luck!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

georgia...noe knead ta worree bout goin two de vet; sneek outside N we will pick ewe up...JJ and julie; ewe both can come long two....noe one noez wear trout towne iz...knot even uz ;) ♥♥

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Best of luck to you at the vet!

pilch92 said...

Nice photos of all of you. I hope the vet trip goes well. XO

Ivan from WMD said...

Julie, we have to say, your photo is the absolute winner this week! You look beautiful. Georgia, we think a convincing love nip might be in order for having to go back to the cat fix-it place again. And JJ, stay warm!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hoping all goes well at the Vet sweetie!

Katie Isabella said...

ALL of you look so beautiful and warm and snuggly mom is just going on and on. She loves seeing your warm beautiful bodies all waiting for smoochies. She thinks, anyway.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We follow TBT around the house most of the time. Well, we can't get attention if we aren't near him, ya know?

meowmeowmans said...

You all look wonderful, Georgia, JJ and Julie! Hey, Georgia, how did your annual exam go?

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hope that vet visit went well, Georgia.

Long time ago there was a squirrel in our house...that caused quite a stir, let me assure you! And we had bats in here twice. Yikes!

Enjoy your upcoming weekend:)