Friday, 25 January 2019

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia:  Part of this week we spent snoozing.
The weather was pretty cold. JJ is a great snuggle buddy.
Then  on Wednesday, the temperatures warmed a bit
and there was snow and that changed to rain!

Thursday was rainy and most of the snow is gone and
only patches of ice here and there remain.
Friday is sunny and the temperatures will slowly fall
by evening.Not too bad at all and mum is happy.
The weekend looks to be sunny.

That will be good as we will have mum home and
maybe she will play with me and toss  my toy around.
This pawsome toy is from the wonderful crochet lady Ellen Pilch!*

Sunny days always mean porchtime and Julie is looking 
forward to  spending time there.

She also loves looking out of the windows.

She can see Earl the Squirrel at the birdfeeder,

and also Earla the Squirrel on the ground.

We are pretty sure it will be a FUN weekend!

What will you be doing this weekend?
Hope it involves FUN !

* Note: Ellen and the family had to say goodbye to
their sweet Tallulah on Thursday.
You can drop by to leave condolences  by clicking here. 


Summer said...

I feel bad thinking it is cold here - because what I call cold isn't anywhere near what you guys call cold! But it's going to be a little cold in the mornings for me at the cat show this weekend! It's the biggest cat show on the West Coast, so I'm pretty thrilled about it.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We haven't had any proper cold yet, a couple of days at 0C - +2C, then it goes up to around +8- +10C then down again. I wish it would make it's mind up! It is supposed to be getting drier and colder after the weekend.
I hope you all have a good weekend.

Lone Star Cats said...

Hope ya get lotsa sunshine!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I know you'll have a fun Mum weekend and y'all keep snuggly warm!

Kea said...

It's been a messy, miserable weather week here and we have tons of snow! We wish you plenty of sunshine and lots of porch time this weekend. It'll be too cold for us to be out on our back step, so we'll be snuggled up inside. :-)

Eastside Cats said...

The round toys from Ellen are a hit around our house too! We have the sads about Angel Tallulah too.

Tamago said...

Awww Georgia and JJ, you are so adorable snuggling together :-)
Glad you are gonna have a sunny weekend.
That crocheted toy looks super pawsome. Have a great weekend, efurryone!

da tabbies o trout towne said... weatherz heerz bee inn sane week tho we iz knot gonna like it at ALL....with HIGHZ reedin MINUZ 4 N wind chillz......we R tryin ta forgetz what they mite bee ~ ♥♥☺☺

stay warm N safe ~

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Your weather is a lot like ours. Rain, then snow, then warmish so the outside is all wet, then wind and more rain and then freezing. We wish it would just stay SOMETHING fer a while. YUCK!

Ivan from WMD said...

It's always warmer when you have a snuggle pal! Have a great weekend, kids!

P.S. Hi to Earl!

meowmeowmans said...

This weather is crazy, isn't it? We've been having see-saw temepreratures and different precipitation types here, too!

We are glad you'll have sun this weekend, and get to spend time with your awesome Mum. Hugs to you all, Georgia, JJ, Julie and Mum!

Marg said...

Glad you got some nice sunshine. Those toys that Ellen makes are sure our favorites too. You all have a good weekend.

Dma said...

-9 in our neck of the woods with eight inches of snow expected by tomorrow.

Katie Isabella said...

OH you all are having the best weekend~! Especially with your momma there to snuggle and cuddle with. It's good for all four of you. (including momma of course).

The Swiss Cats said...

We hope you got some sun and had a wonderful weekend ! Purrs

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope you've had a nice, cozy weekend! Love Earl and Earla :)