Monday, 24 February 2020

Monday Musings

Sunday was a nice,sunny day.
It was a little cool, but warmer than it has been.
Earl the Squirrel was out enjoying the sun and seeds
mum put out.

Earl certainly had a spring in his step!

He was even willing to pose.
Mum took the pictures from indoors.

Contemplating on the snow.

Georgia: While Earl was outside, I was enjoying
being inside.

I even got a few treats.
It was a pawsome day!

Julie: Did you say that Earl was outside?
He was running up and down the railings?

Gee, that's nice.
Now how about you rub my belly mum?!!

We are looking forward to March 8, because then the 
days will seem longer.
That's when Daylight Savings time starts.
WooHoo! More sunshine in the evening!!!


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We have Earl's cousins romping around our yard, too...and they love to nosh on the fallen seeds...or they dig up walnuts and acorns they buried in the if the yard needed more holes after Benji and Dalton get done out there, MOL! Great pictures!

Glad you had a nice weekend,.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love those pictures! We often hope the Evil Skwerls will sink in the snow and we can catch them. But they are better in snow than we are. *sigh*

Summer said...

Aren't you guys glad you are indoor kitties instead of outside squirrels!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Earl is enjoying the sun!
Our clocks don't change until 3 weeks after yours.

Kea said...

Earl was full of beans! Must be an early spring, giving him energy. :-) There are lots of robins about, have been for a while, and it's lovely to hear them singing in the morning now, though it's EARLY! Earlier than this human can ever remember.

We hope you both have a great week ahead, with lots of sunshine. We've had about 6 days of sun (! unprecedented for this winter), but are getting a messy mix for the next 4 days. We hope this will be the end of it, but March can feel loooooonnnngggggg. :-P

Brian's Home Blog said...

You girls are so cute and dang, that Earl can sure jump!

Tamago said...

Wow, today's photos of Earl are extra fantastic! I love the 2nd one of him springing! And the 4th one is so cute :-) Georgia and Julie, you two look cozy inside! Stay warm and have a great week!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

wavez two G & J !!! ya noe....we gotta kick outta two dayz post with earl !!! sure him mite be a vizshuz squirrelz N all... but we gotta add mit, him IZ cute & him DOEZ haz sum smoooooth moovez !! :) ♥♥ ☺☺

Dma said...

the boyz hate daylight savings time. it throws off their schedule. but they do enjoy there being more sunlight available...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those are great Earl pics! And of you lovely girls too!

Tama and Genji

Eastside Cats said...

Certainly looks like we are beginning to be on the far side of Winter, except for the snowstorm that's going to hit in a day here. But after a few days, the temps go up again, and maybe we'll be able to walk around outside without a heavy coat.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That little Earl is so darn cute!

The Island Cats said...

Earl sure was enjoying that sunshine!

Ivan from WMD said...

We love those pics of Earl, especially the action shot! We're glad you had a warm indoor weekend. Oh, and Julie, our mom would love to rub your belleh!

Katie Isabella said...

Julie, you can hire Mommy here to rub your belly. The only fee is she gets to smooch it too.

Timmy Tomcat said...

I know we would be watching Earl with interest. We had a couple skwerls but seems they moved on a few years ago. Georgia you look magnificent and so do you Juilie. Always good to see you two

pilch92 said...

That is a spry squirrel. I would love to give you tummy rubs. XO

meowmeowmans said...

We like those pictures of Earl. He's got some pep in his step!

Georgia and Julie, we are glad you had a great weekend with Mum. And YAY for longer days ahead. :)


Smudge said...

I read "More sunshine" and nothing else mattered!

Feline Opines, the World from a Feline Point of View said...

MOL we have a resident squirrel too! We love your squirrel's name. We haven't named ours yet. Squirrel watching is a pawsome hobby.
Purrs & Head Bonks,