Julie: Mum, I want to go out!
How come I can't go out?
Being busy is not much of an answer you know!
Being busy is not much of an answer you know!
Mr Chipmink was surrounded by lots of birds!
Later in the afternoon, mum heard a noise on the deck
as she was working on the computer.This is what she saw!
A deer!!!!
This is the first time mum has seen a deer on the deck.
It did not seem to notice her taking pictures.
It was quite calm.
I still think I should be allowed out.
Wow, a deer on your deck? We're not sure you want to go outside while it's out there, Julie. Those things are really big!
Hugs to you and Mum!
OMC!! What a huge introoder!! Hoipe it was not related to the vishous deer we read about...
Truly though, that is one crazy and brave deer(doe). Must have let her stomach rule over her mind, cause surely she could smell human scents??
How crazy that deer come up on your deck!
Cute photo of Mr. Chipmunk surrounded by birds :-) It's amazing deer came on your deck! He/she is beautiful! You have really good critter TV :-)
A deer on your deck!! :-O
I think Derry would have a stroke. LOL. Or run away. What a treat for your mom, though, and her camera!
We've never seen the elusive Deck Deer either, WOW! I don't think your Mum is listening to you sweet Julie!
julie; mum iz tryin her veree veree best ta keep ewe safe; for eggz ampull, ewe could knot go OUT rite then bee coz oh de BURD sightinz AND de vizshuz mooze wanna bee and vishuz squirrelz ~~~ ☺☺♥♥
Julie, I suggest that you paw at the window!
That deer came for a real visit!!!
wow. we don't get large visitors in our yard. i think you should stay inside.
I think you're much safer inside!
Wow, that deer really was close!
Trust me you are safer inside. That is a calm deer. Xo
Mom said she loves the comments as well as your announcement and pic of the deer! That is amazing. I can't imagine one on the deck!!! The Eastside Cats had a great solution though. I would definitely do what they suggested.
Julie, you can sure have an adventure to tell us!!!
It looks like a lot of fun outside Julie. Do you have a harness or how are you allowed out. We have a cat yard and it is great!
You SHOULD be allowed out. Surely you could catch that deer and bring it to Mom for dinner!
Outside might seem fun but it's much safer inside and just watch what goes on.
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