Friday, 18 February 2022

Another Storm and a Long Weekend!

Julie: It is dark by the time mum gets home.
Therefore I dine at night with no view from 
the window. If I could show you what I see,
 it would look very different from what we have
had. On Monday we had a snowstorm that left
lots of light, fluffy snow. Thursday it rained and now
most of the snow is gone.
Today is going to be  a wild one!
The weather service has issued bulletins.
There is a wind warning, a rainfall warning and
a flash freeze warning!!!
Yup, the temps will drop in a hurry (from 8C to -3C ) 
and the rain on the ground will freeze very fast!
This makes for dangerous conditions for walking
and driving!

Yikes!! Good thing mum will be home just before 
things get too bad!  Another good reason 
to be an indoor cat!
By Monday, the temps will we warmer again!
Mum says  Winter was not like this when she was
a kid. It snowed and it stayed until Spring.
I think I will just stay indoors!

What do you mean  by "smile" ?
Isn't it enough I am looking at the camera?!
MOL! I love driving mum nuts!!!!

 I may not always want to pose for the camera
but sometimes I will. After all, I want my friends to see me.
So, what's FUN? Warm homes, food, belly rubs 
and a human that loves me.
Also a long weekend  ahead!
Yup, we  have a holiday called" Heritage Day"
Click oh the link to check it out.

OK, so, let's get this weekend started!!!!!!


Summer said...

I'm glad your human is getting home before things get too crazy, Julie! Have a good weekend.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad your mum will be home before the bad weather. We are under a red category storm warning with winds of 95-100mph forecast. There are already a lot of trees down and power cuts in the region, but we are still okay at the moment. Hope we keep our power.

Smudge said...

Oh yeah, there's nothing like being an indoor cat! We lucked out with the swath of violent weather sweeping across the country. We just got some rain and wind. Stay safe!

Kea said...

Hi Julie. We're glad your mum will be home before the worst weather. We had pouring rain yesterday, taking away some of the snow, but then it switched to freezing rain and ice pellets overnight, before our current snowstorm. The power went out twice already! Crazy weather, we're glad spring is on the (distant) horizon.

Stay cosy and warm and have a lovely weekend!

ZOOLATRY said...

There is no rhyme and no reason anymore to weather ~ anywhere. Poor weather-folks trying to make predictions! And comparisons to "when we grew up" rarely work. Seems like
our four seasons do not even make much sense!
So, day by day, we take it as it comes ...
Stay warm, stay safe. Have a treat!

Katie Isabella said...

Winds were very high here too, Julie...all day and evening yesterday.

Eastside Cats said...

Julie, I believe the storm that hit us yesterday is the one hitting you now; it was rain, then ice, then snow, snow, snow!
But, temps will go up...then down...then up...then down, but the average will creep higher and higher, because Spring isn't too far away!

The Swiss Cats said...

We're glad your mom will be home before the storm. Stay warm and safe ! Purrs

catladymac said...

Julie we hope you and your Mom have a safe, warm, cuddle-filled weekend !

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The weather this week has been CRAZY!

Furries said...

Hope you stayed warm and safe. Spring will be here eventually.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad your Mom got home before the bad ice stuff got there sweet Julie. You did great smiling for the camera. Keep warm!

The Island Cats said...

We had that storm yesterday. First it rained, then it got cold and turned to ice, then it started snowing. And we got about 5 inches of the white stuff. Fortunately for you, Julie, it will be the weekend and you and your mom can stay home and relax.

Ivan from WMD said...

We're glad you have a three-day mum weekend, Julie. And especially since you can both snuggle through your crazy winter weather!

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Keep your chin up my friend. Better weather and longer days are in your future.

meowmeowmans said...

That new storm sounds real scary, Julie. We are glad Mum has a long weekend, and that the two of you will stay inside, safe and warm. XO

Gidget Blue Sky said...

not meant to rub it in but iz 73 degreez right meow an da mum wunt more winter, me, i yam nappin, i see yoo smiling in dat pixture

The J-Cats said...

Yes, there's nothing like being an indoor kitty, with a human that loves you and takes care of you - and has the sense to stay home when the weather is horrible and wet and cold!
The best thing to do in such circumstances is to snuggle together under a warm blankie, don't you agree?

pilch92 said...

Very nice photos of you. You are a beautiful girl. I hope you are having a nice long weekend with your mum. XO

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

This is the second blog today that we read who was expecting bad weather. We're glad your mum was home with you. And your photo is beautiful, just like you

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It as be unusually cold here (though up and down a lot), but sure not as cold as where you are!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We are in the roller coaster weather zone too, lately! Each day you never know what to we just look outside. Today was VERY windy...the snow melts, and then we get a new dump...and then it rains, and we had freezing rain, too.
We want spring!

That Heritage day started after I left Canada n 1987, because we did not have a holiday back corresponds with our President's Day.

So pawppy is off tomorrow, too! And petcretary never works on Mondays anymore...hooray, we love having them home with us!

Enjoy the extra Mum time, Julie:)